lunedì 29 febbraio 2016

Sale Promo for Decline by Michelle Irwin

Decline (Book 1) Declan Reede: the Untold Story Series
Declan Reede: The Untold Story series
By: Michelle Irwin
Genre: New Adult Romance

*Warning - Due to adult content & language this series is not intended for anyone under the age of 18.*

Hold on tight, stick to the racing line, and watch for the corners.

Four years after making the decision to leave his hometown behind, all of Declan Reede's dreams have come true. Unapologetically foul-mouthed, driven, and well known for his off-track antics, his success seems unstoppable. At least until Queensland Raceway and a chance sighting of the girl who once held his heart. Now, getting around the track seems an impossible battle as he struggles to return to his previous form. With his career racing downhill faster than his V8 on Mount Panorama, there's more than just his reputation on the line.

What will it take to put the brakes on his decline?


Michelle Irwin has been many things: a hobbit taking a precious item to a fiery mountain; a young child stepping through the back of a wardrobe into another land; the last human stranded not-quite-alone in space three million years in the future; and a time-travelling madman in a box. All of these feats and many more were achieved through her voracious reading. Eventually, the cast of her mind took over and spilled onto the page.

Michelle lives in sunny Queensland in the land down under. A lover of love and overcoming the odds, she primarily writes paranormal and fantasy romance.

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Wanna join her street team?

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Release Tour for The Bridges Before Us by Christine Ardigo

Book Blast: Stealing Serenity By Tami Veldura

Title: Stealing Serenity
Author: Tami Veldura
Size: Novella
Genre: MM Romance
Released: July 2014

Stealing Serenity is back with a brand new cover, blurb and a whole new chapter to celebrate its 2nd Edition:

What happens when a master thief meets a master ropesman . . . he gets all tied up!
Daniel has worked the confidence game many times in the pursuit of a prize. This time it’s for “Serenity,” a photograph worth four million dollars, and it represents the largest payday Daniel has ever chased. To uncover its whereabouts he needs to get close to Kearin, the auction house owner and photographer.
Kearin knows that Daniel will be an asset for the non-profit arm of his business when he meets him at an event, but his job offer is a cover for his real motive: to get Daniel in front of his camera. Preferably naked, bound, and needy to fulfill a specific request for a client−a portfolio that will put him at the top of his field.

Daniel readily agrees to model for Kearin−thinking it will lead him to “Serenity”−but what he doesn’t expect is to fall for Kearin’s brand of intensity instead. Will he go for the photograph or Kearin’s heart?

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Tami Veldura is a writer, reader, lover and artist. She currently resides in San Marcos, CA. She writes science fiction, fantasy, steam punk, and GLBTQ fiction.

She also publishes adventure steam punk, fantasy, and science fiction stories suitable for all ages as S. T. Lynn.

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Promo Tour: Men of Mercy by Lindsay Cross.

Review & Giveaway: Crash and Burn by Michele Callahan

Crash and Burn
by Michele Callahan


GENRE: Romance, Contemporary, New Adult



A childhood promise has Chance Walker picking up a guitar once again. Sure, he's been busy growing up, finishing college, and even law school. He made a promise to his dying mother and he’s determined to keep it. While his guitar playing dreams were big when he was a kid, his skill is rusty and he hires Erin Michaelson to bring music back into his life. Not only is she incredibly talented, she's one of the sexiest women he’s ever met. It's hard to focus on correct finger position when her sweet scent threatens to drive him out of his mind.

Less than twenty-four hours after his first lesson he sees her again, but this time she’s on stage using another name and seducing an entire audience of men. He played the gentleman card once, and it got him nowhere. This time, all bets are off and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep her. A single, sizzling backstage kiss will change both of their lives forever, because Chance soon realizes that Erin is not just an itch, she’s an obsession that he refuses to live without.

Erin Michaelson spends her days teaching guitar and her nights on stage as her sexy alter-ego, Eva James. Music is her dream, her passion. All she wants is to say goodbye to a lifetime of scraping by, working two jobs, and paying for past mistakes. When a major record label exec hears her band play, she gets her big break. But life can be a real bitch, and meeting Chance now is just bad timing.

Problem #1: The record label wants her to dump her band and move to L.A. Problem #2: She hadn’t counted on Chance Walker and the scorching heat of that first kiss. And last but not least is Problem #3: Is Chance really falling in love with the dull guitar teacher, or is he really just lusting after the sexy Eva James?

Will success make all of Erin's dreams come true? Or will falling in love make them both crash and burn?

My Review:

A nice love story, engaging, romantic and sexy, to be read in one breath.
Erin and Chance have a great passion for the music that binds and unites them. As a child Chance wanted to become a rock star but then chose to become a lawyer. When his mother dies he understand he was wrong to give up his dream. So he decides to start playing the guitar. He takes lessons from Erin. She is a sweet girl, attractive but the evening turns and becomes a rock star really sexy. She's fabulous on that stage and Chance loses his heart to her. He finds the courage to kiss her and nothing will be as before. Erin receives a truly unique proposition, not to be missed. But it would mean moving to Los Angeles, to be forced to always wear her sexy mask and abandon Chance. 
The characters are believable and engaging. Erin is a sweet and shy girl but her passion for music gave her the strength and courage to go on stage and become Eva James. She takes care with love of her brother even though he often doesn't deserve it and is very badly with her. Chance understands he was wrong and he's living a life that is not for him. Will he have time to change? Will he have the courage to do it?
It 's a well-written romance, with a flowing and brilliant style, the love story is really sweet and special.
I was pleased to find out that this was the first book in a series. This book was really amazing so I will be interested to read the next book in this series.
Highly recommended for those who love romantic stories set in the world of music.



“Do you want to kiss me?”

Erin licked her lips. He was asking her. Giving her control and being a gentleman about it. And that, combined with the fact that she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about him since he’d walked out of the shop yesterday, had her nodding her head before she’d even answered his question.

“Yes.” Erin dropped her head back with a soft moan as Chance’s lips traced heated patterns across her cheek. He shifted slightly, holding her face still with gentle hands as he took his sweet time lowering his mouth to hers.

She could hardly breathe. Her whispered admission had sent her over the edge and into the dark abyss where common sense and reason ceased to exist. He leaned forward and the kiss started as a gentle exploration, as if he needed to coax a wild animal, like he was afraid she’d run.

He didn’t taste her, he plundered and explored. His kiss branded her with the faint taste of whiskey and heat. He owned her mind and her body in that moment. He left her nowhere to hide and no room to retreat. She was on fire and her world narrowed to the exotic taste of his mouth, the strong arms that circled her waist, the aggressive heat of his body pressed to hers, and the soft glide of his hair in her fists as she pulled him closer, demanded he give her more.

She whimpered and the needy sound barely registered. In some far away, logical place in her mind, she knew she’d never made that sound before. It should have served as a warning, instead it pushed her further into madness. She never wanted to stop…


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

M.L. (Michele) Callahan is a sci-fi fanatic and full time writer whose earliest movie memories are of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and light sabers. (Still waiting on Santa to come through on that one.) ML writes sci-fi action adventure as ML Callahan, and romance as Michele Callahan. Fans of Hugh Howey's Wool series, Wayward Pines, Kresley Cole's Immortals After Dark, Sherrilyn Kenyon's League Series, or Karen Marie Moning's Fever Series will not be able to resist Callahan's complex world building, twisting plot lines, or unique premise. Callahan writes something brand new in the science fiction arena with character driven stories that read more like adventure books than hard science manuals. The Timewalker Chronicles are like nothing you've ever read before.



Michele Callahan will be awarding a $15 Amazon, B&N, OR iTunes card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Book Blast & Giveaway: A Kiss in the Shadows by Eve Kincaid and Lily Danes

A Kiss in the Shadows
by Eve Kincaid and Lily Danes


GENRE: Contemporary Romantic Suspense



Erin Grady is used to taking care of people. That’s why she’s thrilled to finally realize her dream of opening a clinic…and why she’s willing to overlook where the money came from—until a determined prosecutor comes sniffing around.

Will Patton is desperate to leave the small fogbound town of Lost Coast Harbor and build a real career for himself. But to do that, he’ll need to expose the dirty police chief—and betray the woman who makes him wonder if he’s leaving town too soon.

But the corruption in Lost Coast Harbor runs deep and wide—and exposing the truth will require Erin and Will to expose their hearts…no matter the risk.



Will moved closer and reached past her, setting his wine next to hers and the nearness took her breath away. She raised her chin to look him in the eye to protest his bullying, but found herself speechless again, her heart pounding and unable to pull her gaze from his eyes, hooded with need.

God, kiss me. Again. And again.

He reached up and slipped a hand behind her neck, his fingers stroking the soft skin on her nape. Each brush fired her nerves, a heat that spread throughout her body.

This was crazy. She wasn’t into one-night stands, or hookups, or even casual flings. But her last relationship had ended a couple years earlier. She was due, damn it. She was a grown woman and could decide to have casual sex if she wanted to. Just because that wasn’t her usual style, didn’t mean it was necessarily a bad idea. She was just too busy, and worked too many nights. And she knew too much about any potential partner, the hazard of living in a small town for most of one’s life.

Will’s lips brushed across hers and his hand tightened on her neck and any moral objection she might have had flew out the window. Her heart pounded as the kiss grew deeper, more demanding. She inhaled the faint hint of his scent and the rough friction from the slight scruff on his face overwhelmed her. She ran a hand up his hard chest, flattening her palm to feel as much of him as possible.


His gruff whisper didn’t make sense, but the sound made her shiver. Before she could respond, he kissed her again. Her arms were around his neck, pulling him closer. It wasn’t enough.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Like so many good ideas, Lost Coast Harbor was inspired by a few rounds of margaritas. One sunny afternoon, Lily Danes and Eve Kincaid went to a Mexican restaurant for snacks and tequila and left with the idea for a new series. Inspired by their love of noir movies and 1940s crime novels, they imagined a gritty small town full of crime and corruption, where intrigue and mystery can lead to love and passion.

Eve Kincaid is a lapsed lawyer who decided that fictional crime was more fun than the real deal. When she’s not writing about mysterious women and the dangerous and sexy men who love them, she’s probably shopping for books, lipstick, or imported cheeses to complement a nice California pinot noir.

You can keep up with Eve’s new releases by signing up for her reader newsletter. She’d love to hear from you. Just don’t be creepy about it.



The authors will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

domenica 28 febbraio 2016

Review & Giveaway: Happy Homicides – Crimes of the Heart – Valentine’s Day Mysteries


Happy Homicides – Crimes of the Heart – Valentine’s Day Mysteries

new happy-homicides-V-day-webHappy Homicides 2: Thirteen Cozy Mysteries (Crimes of the Heart)
Cozy Mystery Collection
Print Length: 597 pages
Publisher: Spot On Publishing (February 14, 2016)


Love can be deadly. As proven by these traditional mysteries, cunningly crafted by thirteen bestselling and award-winning authors. Nearly 500-pages of heart-warming, brain puzzling, and character-driven reads. Your purchase includes a free gift, a file with recipes and craft ideas sure to put you in a romantic mood any time of the year!
Included are:
Cara Mia Delgatto and the Stupid Cupid– (Joanna Campbell Slan) Cara hopes to find the man of her dreams. Instead she gets caught up in a lover’s nightmare.
Bones and Arrows by Carolyn Haines—Sarah Delaney Booth and her partner Tinkie Armstrong tackle a thieving Cupid.
Missing Jacket by Randy Rawls—A two-timing husband hires a retired cop to retrieve a stolen gift. But nothing is as it seems!
Murder at Catmmando Mountain by Anna Celeste Burke—A murder at a theme park puts Georgina “Georgie” Shaw at risk, when the killer sets Georgie up to take the fall. Will the hunky detective assigned to the case believe her plea of innocence?

My Review:

I love reading these collections of short stories, is the perfect way to discover some new author to love and some new series to read. In this collection I discovered  a lot of good authors and I look forward to reading other their stories.
Every story has a great mix of romance and mystery, the murders have a passionate background, and in some cases, the amateurs investigators have some heart problems to solve, as Cara Mia Delgatto, in search of the perfect man. They are well-written with interesting setting and a good dose of humor. The plots are well thought out and strong, full of suspense, to be followed to the last page to solve the mystery. The characters are believable, engaging and well developed.
Super welcome the bonus book with recipes and many ideas for bricolage.
For those who love the cozy mystery this is  a must read.

Find out about the authors on their webpages below. 

Purchase from Amazon
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