giovedì 30 aprile 2015

Book Blast&Giveaway: Wrong Side of the Grave by Bryna Butler

by Bryna Butler



When the dearly departed of Point Pleasant start walking and talking, the Men in Black mark Mothman as suspect number one. A fun read, Wrong Side of the Grave is a fast-action Teen Sci-Fi Mystery with a paranormal twist.

Parent Approved: Contains no profanity or sexual content.



A beep sounds off as Warner locks down the vehicle so he doesn’t wander off. No one can get in or out.

Most of the [Men in Black] black suits’ vehicles are equipped with the feature. Of course, that’s a lesson I learned the hard way...more than once.

From the trunk Warner pulls a shiny black, rectangular box. I think he’s going to open it from the top, but he slides his index finger over one of the small ends and it disappears. The end, not his finger. Warner repeats the motion on the opposite end and a large red button appears.

“Probably pretty tempting not to pocket one of those suit gadgets and try your luck as a magician in Vegas.” I smirk.

“You laugh,” he says. “But they actually have protocols in place for that. They call it the Penn and Teller Contingent.”


He just shrugs as he begins to pump the red button. With each intake of air, the box hums and whirs as he watches a tiny screen that has appeared on its top.

“There’s a trace of her DNA still here,” he announces. “Maybe we can find a trail.”

“So that’s like a bloodhound in a box? Handy.”

He tips his chin up to me. “DNA detector. Analyzes hair, bodily fluids, and even microscopic skin particles floating in the air. Anything that contains DNA, no matter how small, this device is on it.”

“Handy <i>and</i> disgusting.”

“Let’s focus on the handy,” he suggests.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Bryna Butler is a journalism-trained writer having authored dozens of articles and financial publications before taking the leap into fiction in 2011. Her first book, Of Sun & Moon, skyrocketed to number one on Kindle top free charts in the categories of Teen/YA Supernatural Mystery, Teen/YA Romantic Mystery, and Teen/YA Time Travel in the U.S. and U.K. when the title went to free status in 2014. Butler’s work is free of profanity and sexual content making them safe reads for pre-teen as well as teen readers.


Twitter | @mogdocnews
Wrong Side of the Grave Playlist |

Buy Links

Amazon Kindle Canada:
Amazon Kindle Australia:
Pre-order your Paperback edition directly from the author:

Bryna will be awarding a $50 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

A Dream Called Marilyn by Mercedes King Book Blast & Giveaway

HF Virtual Book Tours invites you to follow Author Mercedes King's Book Blast for A Dream Called Marilyn, from April 20-May 1, and enter to win one of five paperback copies or a $50 Amazon Gift Card!

02_A Dream Called Marilyn Cover

 Publication Date: March 23, 2015 Triumph Productions
Formats: eBook, Paperback Pages: 180
Genre: Historical Fiction


 In the summer of 1962, nothing could prepare Dr. Charles Campbell for his first meeting with his new client, Marilyn Monroe. A reputable psychiatrist, he's been hired by a studio executive to handle and subdue the star, no matter what it takes. Although he's been warned about Ms. Monroe's unpredictability, she's not what he expected, and resisting her natural charms will test his fortitude. In the days that follow, Charles' world is turned upside-down. His marriage has been under pressure and is still fragile from one of his wife’s antics. Obsessed with reinvigorating her acting career, Helen Campbell often ignores her motherhood duties. Charles does as much as he can to hold the family together and to protect his young daughters, but the strain has reached a new intensity for all of them. Charles’ sessions with Marilyn range from sensual to bizarre. She even threatens to go public with information that could ruin her career and destroy President Kennedy’s administration. Desperate for advice, Charles enlists help from a former college pal, Bertrand Miller. A private detective, known for seedy practices, Miller isn’t new to Hollywood’s underside—or even to Marilyn’s secrets. He advises Charles to be careful, as it’s rumored that the mob will silence Marilyn to protect Kennedy. But Charles makes the mistake of getting too personal with Marilyn. Although his intentions are well-meaning, those keeping an eye on Marilyn couldn’t care less, which makes Charles a target for the mob and the FBI. Saving Marilyn from her self-destructive ways and crossing doctor-patient boundaries, might also cost Charles Campbell his life.

Buy A Dream Called Marilyn


Excerpt from A Dream Called Marilyn

Dr. Charles Campbell tightened the knot in his tie, knowing that today was the biggest day of his career. Maybe even his life. He promised himself--no, swore to himself--that he wouldn’t let his infatuation get the best of him, that he would hold it together when he met her for the very first time, right there in his office. He’d cleared away the dust, made sure his diplomas hung T-square straight, and he’d washed his hands. Repeatedly. He’d made sure his gray suit and navy blue tie were pressed to perfection. Like most red-blooded, breathing males he’d taken a beating from inside his chest whenever he saw her on the screen. She had that way about her, being able to stir a man’s desires and make you fall in love with her effortlessly. With that teasing smile and that vulnerable naivety she exuded, she could make any man melt, abandon any morals he held. And her curves. Well, Charles couldn’t think on that. Not today. He’d treat her the way every psychiatrist was expected to treat a patient. Charles promised himself he wouldn’t flinch or become a caricature of himself when he touched her hand. There would be no unbuttoning of his collar or adjusting the air conditioning unit. And his eyes would not wander. That was his resolve. He dabbed the beads of perspiration from his forehead. Theirs would be a business relationship, he reminded himself. According to the studio contact, the man who’d arranged today’s meeting, this was a woman in desperate need of his professional services. They would establish a doctor-patient association. Yes, simple as that. Charles would uphold the fine reputation he’d built in Los Angeles and tend to her like he would any female client. Why, he’d treated a number of actors and actresses, from those struggling with sexual identity issues to depressive diseases. Those famous for their cowboy roles, those noted for their singing and dancing. Even those known for the flip of their hair or their on-set tantrums. But who was he kidding? There was no one like her. Would she notice his resemblance to Rod Taylor? Remark that his hair was lighter, but that the similarities were uncanny. Perhaps his only hope was that she¾ A knock sounded, interrupting his rambling thoughts. Charles opened the door to his office. And there she was. “Miss Monroe.” He stepped aside, held out his hand to welcome her in. “Please.” Her eyes flashed that shy but friendly grin he’d seen in her movie characters as she entered, a crème-colored shawl hugging her bare shoulders. Interesting, Charles thought, for a sultry June afternoon. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Monroe.” Charles offered his hand. Marilyn stole a surmising glance of the room, which served as the outer room and waiting area for Charles’ practice. How he wished he’d spruced up the walls. She shook his hand, almost as if the gesture were new to her. Her pink linen dress reminded him of her outfit from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes when she sang, “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend”. This dress was shorter, sleeveless but with a high neckline, and sans gloves and diamonds. “Thank you for seeing me, Dr….?” Charlie reddened. “Dr. Campbell.” Hadn’t the studio contact mentioned his name to her? And as the man from the studio crossed his mind, he found it curious Marilyn had come alone; he’d expected her to be escorted, handed off almost. “May I get you anything? A glass of water perhaps?” “No, thank you.” She smiled, sweetly yet cautiously. Charles couldn’t blame her. Here was a woman who’d been raised in turmoil, endured multiple heartbreaks and divorce, professional difficulties, much of it in the public eye. All while being rotated through various doctors. “Would you like to sit here or in my office?” “Wherever you’d like me.” The lump that jumped into his throat almost knocked him unconscious. “There is a couch in here.” He said it as his hand slid the door open to his inner office. “Well, I only mean that it’s probably more comfortable….” He was certain he sounded lustful, perverted. Minutes into his first session and he was blowing it! Did he have any hope left of instilling confidence in her, in gaining her trust? To his surprise she laughed. An unexpected, breathy release that made his own breathing pause. She sashayed into Charles’ inner office and seated herself on the burnt-orange couch--how he wished he’d bought a new one!--tucked her legs up beside her and leaned onto the arm. Instinct struck Charles; he nudged his tie loose, undid the top button of his collar. He reached for the pad of notepaper and pen on his desk, desperately hoping she hadn’t noticed his acute failure to behave better than an ordinary man. “I know why I’m here.” She spoke with a sudden perkiness that caught Charles off guard. Many of his clients had battled resentment, denial while sitting on that couch. “Oh?” He sat in a tufted vinyl chair across from her. “Yes.” Her eyes were wide. Trusting. “You see, I’m dangerous.” “To yourself?” “Not exactly.” Her smile returned. “I know it will be hard for you to understand, and I’m not sure how much I should tell you, for your own good.” It was too early for Charles to gauge how serious Marilyn was. Their initial encounter was still warm and clutter plagued his mind. He had to shove aside the characters she’d played, the magazine articles he’d read about her, and momentarily ignore disparaging details he’d read about her in the file from the studio contact. Charles had to figure out who Marilyn really was.

03_Mercedes King AuthorAbout the Author

A founding member of Sisters in Crime Columbus, Ohio (affectionately dubbed SiCCO), Mercedes King can be found elbow-deep in research, reading, or enjoying the local bike path. Combining her love of pop culture with history, she created A Dream Called Marilyn, a novella focusing on the last weeks of Marilyn's life. O! Jackie is a fictional take on Jackie Kennedy's private life--and how she dealt with JFK's affairs. Unable to quench that thirst for Kennedys, Mercedes wrote The Kennedy Chronicles, a series of short stories featuring Jackie and Jack before the White House and before they were married. Plantation Nation follows Emma Cartwright, a 16 year old Southern girl who disguises herself as a young man and fights for the Union Army. For more information please visit Mercedes King's website and blog
You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, and Goodreads.

A Dream Called Marilyn Book Blast Schedule

Monday, April 20
Rainy Day Reviews
What Is That Book 
About Of Books and Other Things

Tuesday, April 21
100 Pages a Day
Wednesday, April 22
The Maiden's Court
Thursday, April 23
The Never-Ending Book
Friday, April 24
Queen of All She Reads
Saturday, April 25
It's a Mad Mad World
Sunday, April 26
Passages to the Past
Monday, April 27
To Read, Or Not to Read
Tuesday, April 28
Deal Sharing Aunt
Wednesday, April 29
CelticLady's Reviews
Thursday, April 30
Friday, May 1
Just One More Chapter


To enter to win a copy of A Dream Called Marilyn (5 copies are up for grabs) or a $50 Amazon Gift Card please see the Gleam giveaway below.


Giveaway starts on April 20th at 12:01am EST and ends at 11:59pm EST on May 1st. Giveaway is open to residents in the US only and you must be 18 or older to enter. Winners will be chosen via GLEAM and notified via email. Winners have 48 hours to claim prize or new winner is chosen. Please email Amy @ with any questions. 


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mercoledì 29 aprile 2015

Cover Reveal: Palace Secrets by Ravyn Rayne


Title: Palace Secrets
Series: Palace Secrets #1
Author: Ravyn Rayne
Publisher: Blushing Books
Expected Publication: June 6, 2015

Love comes in many forms and always at a price.
At twenty-three, Princess Isabella must settle down for the sake of her kingdom. Caught up in a secret affair with her lady-in-waiting, Hannah, the princess knows it can only last for so long.
When Prince Alexander arrives to court her, he confides that his father is on his death bed, and he will be crowned king soon. Isabella hastily agrees to the proposal, desiring to be queen, knowing little about her soon to be husband.
Murder, secrets, and lies combine with menage, spanking, and erotic encounters in this steamy medieval romance.


Teardrops fall from the sky as I sit in my room with the window open, watching the dirt road into the castle. Prince Alexander, from a neighboring kingdom, is scheduled to arrive at court today. It's no secret I've made things difficult for the last prince that courted me. I can't remember his name, only his beady eyes and putrid breath. I have no desire to tie my heart down.
The thought terrifies me to no end.
There's a knock at my door and I shut my window, keeping the mood from seeping inside. Silly superstitions.
"Princess Isabella," Hannah says, greeting me with a curtsey. Her blonde hair is braided intricately across the top of her head and down her back. I wonder who did her the honor. She's wearing my favorite color on her too, a deep rich blue that accentuates and compliments her pale blue eyes.
I pull her into my room, slamming the door shut behind her. Hopefully no one saw her entrance. If they did, we can surely think up an excuse for her presence in my room. Unlike a boy, there's no rules being broken having Hannah alone in my chambers. Lucky me.
Without thought, my lips descend onto hers, shoving her forcefully against the door.
Hannah is not shy, though she pretends to be around my parents. I don't blame her, they are intimidating and also the king and queen of our land.
"You have to tell your father King William," Hannah whispers between kisses. Her fingers slip against the back of my neck, moving my dark locks to one side. Hannah's rosy lips fall against my bare skin, kissing a path up to my ear. "It's the only way we can be together."
"He'll never allow it," I say and sigh letting my eyes shut. I worry that confessing my feelings for her might result in her banishment from our kingdom. It's not only the fact Hannah is a woman and our relationship is forbidden, there's also the issue that she's a lady-in-waiting.
She's not of royal blood and I'm to marry a prince and strengthen our alliance. Nothing can ever develop between us more than lust and romance.

Ravyn Rayne
About the Author
Ravyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation, wherever it might be.
Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.
Although BURNING DESIRE is her debut romantic erotica novel, it is not her first published book. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her other books here.
Follow Ravyn: Blog | Facebook | Twitter
For less steamy reads, you can follow her here: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Cover Reveal: Dirty Boys of Summer

Alphas, Billionaires, Bikers, Bad Boys, Stepbrothers, and Jocks
Note: Sunglasses required
Grab this set of 16 Young/New Adult stories in one single volume and at one amazing price. Fill up a bucket with ice and prepare for a heat wave as the DIRTY BOYS OF SUMMER hit your e-reader giving your romantic minds a scorching thrill like no other.
Are you ready to lose your v-card, fall in love, get naughty, and say good-bye to your good girl persona with these ohhh so dirty summer boys? Intended for 17+, we've packed the box with the best in upper young adult, naughty new adult, sweet contemporary, and wicked paranormal.

martedì 28 aprile 2015

Cover Reveal: Desert Fire by Charyse Allan

Desert Fire
Valley of Death Series Book # 2
By- Charyse Allan
Genre- YA Thriller
Expected Publication Date- May 12th, 2015

Payton survived being forced to flee her home in order to escape the Elites. Yet she’s still not safe. The Elites are relentless, and they won’t give up their pursuit of her that easily. With her loved ones at risk, and trusting her boyfriend Conner, the two devise a plan to ditch her family in order to keep them safe. But their plan quickly backfires and puts everyone in even more danger.

Reiley is left behind when Payton leaves. Having to prove herself as a capable assassin, she joins Cadmar in his pursuit to track and end the Elites. Except the agency anticipates their every move. In her angst to establish herself, Reiley is caught off guard and makes a deadly mistake that jeopardizes everyones lives.

Betrayal, abductions, and murder stand between Payton, Reiley, and their loved ones. Can they trust anyone in a world of treachery and destruction?

Review & Giveaway- Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion by Emily Craven

Madeline Cain: Adventures In Fashion
by Emily Craven



Madeline Cain knows that after six chaotic months, the rest of her time in New York City will be smooth sailing with Kevin -- her new squeeze -- by her side. That is, until Madeline's idols drop a bombshell - she needs to pick a specialisation before the year is out or risk losing the career of her dreams. The problem? She's about as sure of her photographic passion as a hiker is of outrunning a bear.

Thus Madeline begins her search for her one true path with student-arranged assignments featuring certifiably insane children, lip-synching rockers, a dog whisperer, and… zombies? But it’s not until Madeline secures a 'life-debt' by saving a potential mobster from a gun-wielding cross-dresser that she sets her sights on an amazing internship opportunity.

Is her new patron really part of the mob? Can she nail this internship when all her experiments are going to hell? And how does she deal with Kevin's obsession over her escapades?

Written as though you’re reading Madeline's Facebook page, Adventures in Fashion will leave you giggling on the floor as Maddie posts about the second half of her Big Apple adventure.


My Review:

I have chosen to read this book because I liked the cover, it is so much fun, and I was not disappointed. It 's a novel fresh, fun, be careful if you read this book in some public place, you could find to laugh out loud: there are scenes so hilarious that impossible to hold back laughter.
Madeline is an aspiring photographer, very bumbling and clumsy, is very often in situations really embarrassing: it doesn't happen to everyone to exchange, at an exclusive party, the president of the Board of Charity for a chair and sit on her. She has not yet decided in what type of photography to specialize but still has six months to decide. With internships, strange job offers and many tangles will try to figure it out. 
The author's style is original, young and sparkling, although at first it can be difficult to get familiar with this writing. It is written by joining the post on facebook between Madeline and her friends, for sure young people will have no problem to get in tune with this text, for those who have less familiar with this social, it will take some more pages but soon will be everything easier and exciting.
It's the second book in the series but you can read without the previous, at least I have not had any problems.
It 's a modern novel, young, fun which doesn't lack even a bit of romance and a mystery to solve.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.



Enough was enough. The constant thought storm was getting me nowhere except nauseous.

So I asked myself: what would Mum do?

The answer?  A pros and cons list.


PRO: Sorella is awesome-sauce on wonder-bread. If you could crack her brain, gold would surely fall out. You’d be rich. In knowledge that is, not golden brains.

CON: Ted just told a room full of women who have nothing else to do with their time, about an opportunity that allows them to get high-end fashion for free. Competition is going to be like a cage fight with a chimera.

PRO: You’re not done with NYC, not even close. Leaving the city after a year is like licking the outside of a chocolate ice cream and never taking a bite. This job gets you a green card so you can go past licking and crack open that chocolate casing to suck on that sweet, sweet creamy centre.

CON: How are you going to build a portfolio of fashion snaps when your wardrobe consists of broken high heels and jackets worn by waiters at a pizza store? You’ve got five planned gigs, but can’t guarantee all your subjects aren’t going to be colour blind, let alone wearing underwear. To turn this to a PRO, you need clothes that make people look good, rather than look like an 80’s boy band.

PRO: Your boyfriend is hot, he’s not camera shy, and is one model that will get a kick out of you fussing over him for hours. Perfect for underwear modelling. Use this gift wisely.

CON: Not really committed to fashion. Doesn’t mean it won’t become an obsession that sees me horde hundreds of Jimmy Choos, but just that I was never that girl who cut out outfits from my Mum’s magazines and made them for my Barbies. I had mud pies that needed making and smooshing in my brother’s face. To turn this into a PRO I need to learn how to make people look cool. You can learn fashion from watching America’s Next Top Model right?

CON: Having to listen to Tara Banks on America’s Next Top Model.
PRO: Clothes. Lots of them.

CON: Models. Lots of them. Could end up in a situation where I give into the urge to bludgeon them with a camera.

PRO: You would have a real photography job, one that supported a healthy diet and regular bowel movements. One that makes use of everything you’ve learnt this year, making you an expert, a player, a person of interest but for the right reasons, not because you were followed by a man with a fake moustache. It would give you some direction, a clear path, a strong mentor, a specialisation rather than playing ‘hobbies’ like you use to play ‘dress ups’.

CON: You could stuff it all up.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Emily Craven was first inspired to placed pen to paper when she was 13, after she learnt her favourite author, Isobelle Carmody, began her first novel at 14. Emily finished three books while completing a Bachelor of Science (Space Science and Astrophysics and Geophysics) at the University of Adelaide. So technically, she can claim to be an astrophysicist (stars), geophysicist (rocks) and writer (crazy). She writes YA fiction, fantasy and non-fiction and teaches teenagers storytelling.

Twitter: @TheMadelineCain

Buy Links:

Madeline Cain will be awarding a set of red umbrella earrings (this is an international giveaway) and a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

Book Blast& Giveaway: Mocassin Trace by Hawk MacKinney

Moccasin Trace
by Hawk MacKinney



… it was about the land…a tale of love and loss and hope…

“The most engaging and brilliantly crafted historical work since Margaret Mitchell’s great classic.”
Barbara Casey
Author, The Gospel According to Prissy

Hamilton Ingram looked out across the fertile Georgia bottomlands that were Moccasin Hollows, seeing holdings it had taken generations of Ingrams to build.  No drop of slave sweat ever shed in its creation.  It was about the land…his trust, his duty to preserve it for the generation of Ingrams to come…

It is July of 1859, a month of sweltering dog days and feverish emotional bombast.  Life is good for widower Rundell Ingram and his Hazel-eyed, roan-haired son, Hamilton.  Between the two of them, they take care of Moccasin Hollows, their rustic dogtrot ancestral home, a sprawling non-slave plantation in the rolling farming country outside Queensborough Towne in east Georgia.  Adjoining Ingram lands is Wisteria Bend, the vast slave-holding plantation of Andrew and Corinthia Greer, their daughter Sarah, and son Benjamin.

Both families share generations of long-accepted traditions, and childhood playmates are no longer children.  The rangy, even-tempered Norman-Scottish young Hamilton is smitten with Sarah, who has become an enticing capricious beauty—the young lovers more in love with each passing day, and only pleasant times ahead of them.

But a blood tide of war is sweeping across the South, a tide that might be impossible to stand before.



The Captain lowered his brass spyglass.  "My apologies for having to disturb you," he said to Hamilton.  With full steam and sail for now we have speed on their lead ship.  They'll try to angle us off from the inlet this side of Santa Rosa, but I mean to give 'em no chance of that.  Too shallow in there for them to clear the reef.  Once we get lee to the shoals..." he raised his glass.  "Lead frigate is gaining."  He shook his head.  "First time we've picked up anything this close in."
Sarah walked to the bridge railing and fixed her eyes toward the tall white sails of the onrushing juggernaut.  Her father's enemy, Hamilton's enemy, her enemy; until this moment the battles had been some place far away.  Tall and sleek in the distance, coming toward them, a deadly beauty in the mad fury of men's devotion to destruction and death.
Hamilton asked the Captain, "Will they try to board?"
His jaw set, "When we don't heave to, she'll try to force us to ground.  Failing that they'll use their guns."
The thought of this pirate flag bearing down on them, their seafarers clamoring over the side, stabbed Hamilton into a heated white-hot hate of Yankies -- good ones, bad ones, any of them.
"They're not boardin' us," the Captain said.  "We'll scuttle first.  No Yankee's puttin' a foul foot on my ship, as long as..."
The distant muzzle flash was followed by a muffled boom rolling across the water.  Hamilton sheltered Sarah in his arms.  The shot smacked the water off their port bow, sending up a tall blossoming white plume tall and falling back in a graceful slow splash.
"...a warning shot for us to heave to," the Captain frowned.  "Allows 'em[+> to ]adjust their range."  He eyed Sarah, "Missus Ingram..." he agonized, "To avoid exposing you to harm, I am prepared to yield to..."
"You will do no such thing!" Sarah bristled.  Her head turned toward this full-sailed invader.  "These philistines are in our waters -- attacking us!"  Sarah's blood was up.
"Sarah, the Captain's right," Hamilton said
"No, I say!"  Sarah whirled to face both men.  "We will not yield to those...those barbarians!"  Greer fiery rage showed in full vigor.  Her fists clenched, "You said you could make a run for it!  Our armies need your cargo.  If there's a chance..."  She glowered toward the oncoming menace.
Hamilton saw not the pampered daughter of a rich plantation father, but a wind-whipped chalk-faced New World Jeanne d'Arc girded for battle, blazing with indignation, exchanging armoured horse for ship and English for Yankie, and loved her the more for it.
He nodded to the Captain, "We run for it."
"I know how Papa felt," her lip quivered, "...when he said he hated runnin'."
" fight another day," Hamilton hugged her tighter.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

With postgraduate degrees and faculty appointments in several medical universities, Hawk MacKinney has taught graduate courses in both the United States and Jerusalem. In addition to professional articles and texts on chordate neuroembryology, Hawk has authored several works of fiction.

Hawk began writing mysteries for his school newspaper. His works of fiction, historical love stories, science fiction and mystery-thrillers are not genre-centered, but plot-character driven, and reflect his southwest upbringing in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma. Moccasin Trace, a historical novel nominated for the prestigious Michael Shaara Award for Excellence in Civil War Fiction and the Writers Notes Book Award, details the family bloodlines of his serial protagonist in the Craige Ingram Mystery Series… murder and mayhem with a touch of romance. Vault of Secrets, the first book in the Ingram series, was followed by Nymrod Resurrection, Blood and Gold, and The Lady of Corpsewood Manor. All have received national attention.  Hawk’s latest release in the Ingram series is due out this fall with another mystery-thriller work out in 2014. The Bleikovat Event, the first volume in The Cairns of Sainctuarie science fiction series, was released in 2012.

"Without question, Hawk is one of the most gifted and imaginative writers I have had the pleasure to represent. His reading fans have something special to look forward to in the Craige Ingram Mystery Series. Intrigue, murder, deception and conspiracy--these are the things that take Hawk's main character, Navy ex-SEAL/part-time private investigator Craige Ingram, from his South Carolina ancestral home of Moccasin Hollow to the dirty backrooms of the nation's capital and across Europe and the Middle East."

Barbara Casey, President
Barbara Casey Literary Agency

Hawk will be awarding a $25 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour.

Cover Unveil: Unruly by Cora Brent

by: Cora Brent
Publication Date: May 2015
Cover Designer: Mayhem Cover Creations


Forbidden hookups are rarely simple.  
Claudia Giordano only plans to be home long enough to watch her eternally irresponsible father marry her high school nemesis.  
She never expects to embark on some horny sex odyssey with a wild nineteen-year-old baseball player.    
Easton Malone is cocky, crude and off-limits on so many levels.
That hot, reckless week should never have happened.  The only option is to forget.    
But life’s triumphs and heartbreaks keep bringing Easton and Claudia together again.  
And again….
In the beginning they only find lust.
At the end they find each other.  
Along the way they find everything else.  

There will be sex.  (A lot of it.) 
There will be grief.  (You might find yourself ugly crying.)
But there will also be redemption in the face of tragedy.  
And yes, love will prevail.  

About the Author

Cora Brent was born in a cold climate and escaped as soon as it was legally possible. Now, she lives in the desert with her husband, two kids and a prickly pear cactus she has affectionately named ‘Spot’. Cora’s closet is filled with boxes of unfinished stories that date back her 1980’s childhood and all her life she has dreamed of being an author.  Amazingly, she is now a New York Times and USA Today bestselling writer of contemporary romance and begs not to be awakened from this dream. Social Media Links Goodreads - Facebook -


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