giovedì 31 luglio 2014

Cover Reveal Let Me In


     Let Me In by Erin McCarthy 
      (Blurred Lines #3) 
        Publication date: September 25th 2014 
        Genres: New Adult, Romance

A girl in danger…
Aubrey Walsh never dreamed that she would find herself in an abusive relationship, but after her boyfriend hits her so hard he breaks her tooth, she flees the University of Maine to hide on a remote island with her best friend.  Only to discover that she is pregnant.  Terrified of what will happen if Jared finds out, she is walking along the rocks, deciding her future, when she slips.
A guy with a secret past…
After a job gone wrong, Riker has left the assassin business and is incognito as a ferryboat operator off the shores of Maine.  It’s a lonely life, and when he sees a young woman almost fall off the rocks, he doesn’t hesitate to save her and take her in, though he’s determined to stay unemotionally uninvolved.  But when the truth about her situation is revealed, he will do anything to protect Aubrey and her unborn child.
Even marry her. Even kill for her.
When Jared comes looking for the only girl who has ever rejected him, Riker won’t allow it.  And Aubrey is torn between protecting herself and her child, or protecting the mysterious husband she has come to love.
And when chance brings them together but fate tears them apart, can their love survive the storm?

USA Today and New York Times Bestselling author Erin McCarthy sold her first book in 2002 and has since written almost fifty novels and novellas in teen fiction, new adult, and adult romance. Erin has a special weakness for New Orleans, tattoos, high-heeled boots, beaches and martinis. She lives in Ohio with her family, two grumpy cats and a socially awkward dog.

Author links:

Book Highlight : Echoes of Memories

Title: Echoes of Memories
Author: Samantha LaFantasie
Series: Nepherium Series #2
Genre: Adult, Fantasy

Traitor. Liar. That’s what they call me. No one believes me. Not even my team. I know it’s up to me to get the answers. To stop the corruption and unlock my memories. I’ll do anything to get them back. Even if my hands will be covered in blood.

Elsa's every move is scrutinized. She’s labeled a traitor by those she sought for protection, and kept from her family and team. Regaining memories has been a slow process. Too slow for the Council's liking, taking matters into their own hands.

The new captain has history with Elsa and operates with a hidden agenda. Even Elsa’s team reacts differently toward her. If only she could unlock her memories. Everything is playing right into Alexander's hand, even amassing an army with unconventional methods, designed to annihilate the Nepherium—starting with Noah. Elsa will do anything to stop Alexander ... even kill.

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About Samantha

A Kansas native, Samantha LaFantasie spends her free time with her husband and three kids. Writing has always been a passion of hers, forgoing all other desires to devote to this one obsession, even though she often finds herself arguing with her characters through much of the process. She’s primarily a fantasy writer but often feels pulled to genres such as sci-fi, romance, and others.
Among her writing credentials, a member of the Kansas Writer’s Association and has authored works such as Heart Song (her debut novel) and Made to Forget.
Samantha loves to take time to enjoy other activities such as photography and playing her favorite game of all time, Guild Wars 2.

Want more from Samantha? Keep up with her at any of her digital hangouts.

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Tour Schedule

August 1st
A Little Slice of Romance 

August 4th
Nocturnal Predators Reviews 

August 5th
Diane’s Book Blog 

August 6th
Avid Reader Musings

August 7th
Curling Up With A Good Book 

August 8th 

August 11th
The Wonderings of One Person 

August 12th
WS Momma Readers Nook 

August 13th
Camisado Mind

August 14th
Good Choice Reading 

August 15th
Dalene's Book Reviews
Paulette's Papers 

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


mercoledì 30 luglio 2014

Blog Tour Review Always Rayne by Sierra Avalon

Always Rayne
by Sierra Avalon
New Adult Romance
Date Published: June 21, 2014

Would you spend ten days traveling the country with someone you despised if he promised to pay off your student loans?
Recent college graduate, Harper Leigh, can barely make ends meet working as the books editor for a new online entertainment magazine, Chatter. With $85,000 of student loan debt about to go into repayment, she has no idea how she’ll get by.
Just when she thinks things couldn’t get worse, Harper’s boss decides to embed her in the North American tour for the hot rock band, Always Rayne. Ten days on the road with the band for her to get an exclusive story. But Harper’s a homebody and the last thing she wants to do is go on the road with a rock band. And she definitely doesn’t want to spend ten days with the notorious bad boy and band front man, Nic Rayne.
When Nic proves to be too much for Harper to handle and she threatens to quit the assignment, Nic decides to sweeten the pot. If she stays with the tour for all ten days, he’ll pay off all of her student loan debt….but there’s one small catch.
Harper also has to sleep in his bed every night.


Brooke and I are wearing those plastic backstage passes around our necks and when two really big body guards standing at the backstage entrance see them they let us pass right through the door. 
As I glance around at all the other people with backstage passes I notice they all look a lot more like Brooke than I expected. All of the girls are wearing ultra-short, skin-tight skirts with barely there tops.
The guys all look like they just stepped out of the band themselves. They’re all young and hot and they seem to know it.
There’s definitely no shortage of arrogance in the room.
“I’m definitely going after Leo,” Brooke whispers to me as we approach the band.
All three of the band members are standing next to each other drinking beers and talking with a bevy of blondes.
Maybe this isn’t the best place for Brooke to be hanging out. She hasn’t been sober very long and I don’t want her to fall into temptation. I have a feeling if Leo handed her a beer she wouldn’t say no.
“I’m getting tired,” I say and fake a big yawn.
“You are not going to wimp out on me.” Brooke gives me a cold glare. “We’re not leaving here until we meet Always Rayne. All of them.”
Nic Rayne looks like he’s getting bored with the blondes. He’s glancing around the room rather than paying attention to what the girls are saying.
As soon as Nic’s eyes land on me I can see his expression change. His brows are furrowed and he looks puzzled. I’m sure he’s wondering what someone who looks like me is doing backstage.
Disappointment crosses over the faces of the two girls vying for Nic’s attention when he walks away from them and heads in my direction.
“You,” he points to me. At least I think he’s pointing at me. When I look around and realize I’m standing alone, I know he’s pointing at me.
Then I panic because I’m standing alone. Where the hell is my roommate? The one who dragged me here in the first place practically kicking and screaming. She completely abandoned me. I also notice that one of Nic Rayne’s bandmates seems to have vanished just as quickly.
It isn’t possible for Brooke to hook up with someone that fast, is it?
This is Brooke we’re talking about. Not only is it possible, it’s highly probable. 
Nic Rayne is now glaring at me. It’s like he can’t believe I didn’t jump as soon as he pointed to me. I can already tell this guy is a piece of work. He’s probably used to getting any girl he wants with the snap of his finger. Hell, he’s probably used to getting anything he wants the second the demand comes out of this mouth. 
I can see him let out an exasperated breath and then head in my direction. I quickly scan the room to see if I can spot an exit but by the time my eyes land on one, it’s too late. Nic Rayne has already entered my personal space.
And he’s not just close to me; he’s practically on top of me. And I don’t like it. He makes me extremely uncomfortable. I’d rather be anywhere than standing next to Nic Rayne. I’d rather be back in Economics class at the university and I hate Economics. It’s the only class I ever got a C in.
“What’s up?” Nic says.
I’ve seen him in movies so I knew he was tall and muscular. I guess it never occurred to me how tall and muscular he really is. The guy is towering over me and I’m not that short. I’m five feet six inches. Nic has got to be at least six inches taller than me.
“Did you see where my friend went?”
He nods but doesn’t say anything else.
“Okay. Would you mind telling me where she went?”
“With Leo.”
I assume he means Leo Donovan, his cousin and the guitar player in Always Rayne.
“Hey, Rayne.” Xander Donovan, Nic’s other cousin, and the band’s drummer, places a hand on Nic’s shoulder. “Pick the girl you want and let’s go. We’re all headed over to Troy.”
Troy is the trendiest club in the city. I’ve heard a lot about it but haven’t been able to afford the stiff cover charge and the fifteen dollar drinks.
“Come on,” Nic says and turns to leave as if I’m supposed to follow him.
He takes a few steps before he realizes that I’m not following him. Then he turns back around and gives me an odd look. “Aren’t you coming?”
I shake my head.
“Why not?” He actually looks puzzled.
“Do you want a list?”
His eyes narrow and then he walks back over to me. He gets so close I can smell his masculine scent and what’s left of his spicy cologne. “What’s the list?”
I gulp. I wasn’t actually expecting him to ask for the list. I thought he’d just get disgusted and find some other girl to go with him.
“Well, you’re not my type. I don’t find you remotely attractive. Or particularly interesting. I don’t like your music at all. And you don’t seem very smart. And I don’t sleep with guys I don’t know. So, maybe you should just find some other girl to take to Troy.”
He’s doing his best to bite back a grin. The smug asshole actually finds what I’ve said funny. I didn’t think I could dislike him more but he’s really pushing my buttons.
“I’m not your type, huh?” He leans in even closer. So close, I can feel his breath on my neck. “I’m everybody’s type.”
I try to swallow but I feel like there’s a golf ball stuck in my throat.
“You don’t find me attractive, huh? Then why are you sweating?” He places his hand right over my heart. “And your heart is beating a mile a minute. Maybe you should listen to what your body wants instead of what your brain is telling you.”
I take a step back and try to collect myself. I wipe my brow and realize I really am sweating. And he’s right, my heart is racing. What the hell is going on?
“I’m not some groupie who’s going to do whatever you want because you snapped your fingers.”
He looks me up and down. “I can see that.”
I place my hands on my hips. “What is that supposed to mean?”
He actually has the audacity to laugh. “No one would ever mistake you for a groupie that’s for sure.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Your clothes are like some crazy mash-up between a hippie and a school librarian.”
I glance down at my flowered skirt and strappy sandals. He has a point. I’m not exactly a fashion whore like my roommate. Not that I have the money to update my wardrobe even if I wanted to.
He steps closer again. He’s got a habit of getting right into my personal space and it makes me uncomfortable every time he does it. When I look into his deep brown eyes, I have the feeling that he’s doing it just to get a rise out of me.
“What are you doing here?” he asks. For the first time since we’ve met, he actually sounds sincere.
“I came with my roommate. She won tickets from the radio station. She wanted to see you. And your cousins.”
“I asked what you’re doing here.”
“I guess I’m here for moral support,” I stammer. And I have a press pass.”
I’m not sure why I tell him that. I guess I feel like I need some kind of excuse to be here because I’m definitely not here for the music.
“Why am I not surprised? You look like a writer. Or a librarian.”
I dig around in my purse and pull out my press pass. To my surprise, he grabs it from my hand. “Chatter. Never heard of it.”
“It’s an online magazine. A start up.”
He nods then hands me back my credentials.
“Do you like it?”
“Like what?” I’m surprised by the question.
“Writing. Working for a magazine.”
I shrug. “I’ve never thought about doing anything else. My parents named me Harper Leigh. I was kind of destined to be a writer.”
He’s looking at me with a blank stare. Maybe he really is as brainless as I think. And for some strange reason that disappoints me.
“Harper Leigh,” I repeat. “I spell my name differently but she was a writer.”
He’s still looking at me with a blank expression.
“She won the Pulitzer Prize.”
Then he smiles. “I know who Harper Lee is. To Kill a Mocking Bird. Won the Pulitzer Prize in 1961. She was also good friends with Truman Capote. She helped him with the research for In Cold Blood.”
I can feel my jaw drop.
“I guess I’m smarter than you think.” He leans in close again. “And I’m also a great actor apparently because I had you fooled.”
I want to say something in response but no words come out of my mouth.
“Rayne.” It’s Xander again. “Come on. We’ve got to bounce.”
“Does everyone call you Rayne?”

                                           My review 

Harper Leigh works for an internet magazine for articles dealing with on the show. She 's a hippy librarian: do not dress very fashionable and loves to read. Her roommate wins two tickets and backstage passes for the concert of her favorite band, Always Rayne and convinces Harper to accompany her. On backstage after the concert meets and clashes with the singer, Nic Rayne: she tells him that it's just a womanizer arrogant and stupid, instead he remains impressed by her and wants at all costs. To achieve his goal he decides to give exclusive rights to an interview with magazine where she works but she has to be right to write it. Her boss informs her that she will be fired if  do not accept, she still has the college loan to pay more rent, the bills so she agrees to go on a small tour with the band. She'll be side by side with Nic for 10 days and find that he is not as stupid and arrogant as she thought. 
It 's very fun to see how the true nature of the two protagonists slowly come out: both try to hide their true personality. Nic is not only a musician sexy and selfish, he's a smart guy who loves to read and is looking for a girl who is able to share his passions but how can if all the women around him do not even know what the prize Pulitzer . Harper is hiding behind rather outmoded clothes and her beloved books but can become a girl that makes  lose  head to a singer who can have all the women he wants. 
The band also belong the two cousins ​​Nic, Leo and Xander, and Raven, their girl "rescue" that will be the stars of the upcoming stories in the series 

It 's a simple story, light but very enjoyable. 

Must read if you love books about boy bands and new adult


martedì 29 luglio 2014

Blog Tour Review - Relentless by Anna Wells

by Anna Wells
Series: Marsh Brothers, #1
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: March 25, 2014


The last thing Michaela Prentice expected was to end up in bed next to her friend Jordan Marsh after a wee bit too much champagne. The sex was incredible but she doesn't want their one night to ruin their friendship.

The last thing Jordan Marsh wants is to remain friends with Michaela. They’d crossed the line from friends to lovers and that was where he was going to stay, after all he’d been relentlessly plotting her seduction for months.

Now Michaela has woken up to a slight hangover, a relationship with a guy she thought she knew, a mother planning a wedding, and a brother and a best friend who think it’s important to run a background check on your new man. What could be more normal?

Just as Michaela is beginnings to adjust to the status of their new relationship things start exploding; literally. 

Warning: This book is funny, steamy and contains sex scenes with chocolate that some readers might find delicious


Jordan’s eyes opened at the sound of the crash.  The first thing he saw was the box of condoms on the nightstand; the second thing he saw was the expiry date on the box of condoms.  They had expired last year.  He smiled at the thought that Michaela had obviously not been entertaining very many guests, if any, since she had broken up with Noah.   Then it occurred to him that expired condoms could possibly be a mood killer.  He wouldn’t mind a baby on the way, but Michaela might want to wait awhile before they went down that particular road together.  He doubted he was going to be able to talk Michaela into any morning fun if he imparted that news to her so maybe he would wait awhile before mentioning it.  A warm smile broke across his face as he remembered the previous evening. It had been everything he’d been fantasizing about for the last six months and much more.  He rolled over in the bed intending to reach for Michaela and discovered to his disappointment that she was gone.  Lifting himself up on his elbows, he raised his head and searched the room for her.  He saw her on her knees in the bathroom scrambling to pick up the aspirin that had scattered all over the floor.  “Drop something?” he asked, slightly amused at her position.
She looked up with a rueful smile. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you.  I was just trying to grab a couple of aspirin.  I seem to have a bit of a headache this morning.”
As Jordan rolled to his side the sheet dropped to his waist clearly revealing his naked chest and abdomen and his morning erection prodded eagerly against the sheet seeking attention.  Propping his head in his hand he noted with a great deal of satisfaction that Michaela couldn’t help herself from staring.  Treating her to a devilish grin, his blue eyes gleaming, he said, “I’ll just bet you do. Didn’t I warn you about that last night?”
“I seem to recall you telling me it was okay as long as I didn’t pass out,” she muttered as she finished gathering the last of the aspirin. 
Jordan would have helped her with her task if he hadn’t been admiring the enticing view of her cleavage the robe afforded while she was bent picking up the aspirin.  He felt himself responding and thought he was ready for some morning fun deciding to tell her about the expired condoms later, much later.  He wanted to call her back to the bed now, or better yet he thought, he would go get her.  Acting on his decision he started to rise out the bed. “Michaela …,” he began, his voice was husky.
Michaela appeared panicked causing Jordan to pause in his actions. She got up quickly from the bathroom floor immediately putting her hand out in front of her to halt him.   “Stop! Look Jordan before you get up, I have a few things to say.”
Jordan was a little stunned by her reaction. He’d intended to bring her back to the bed for some hot sex and Michaela was acting as if he was intent on assault. He arched a brow at her inquiringly. “Okay, go ahead,” he said slowly, completely perplexed by her mood.
Taking a deep breath she began speaking as fast as she could. “About last night, I think we’ll both agree that we were drinking and things just sort of got out of hand.  I’m sure you don’t want to put our friendship at risk any more than I do so I think it would be best if we just pretended this never happened.  After all we’re both mature adults and there is no reason for one stupid night to ruin a great friendship, right?”  She gave him a hopeful look as she finished her long-winded speech. 
Jordan hadn’t known what to expect when Michaela began talking, but it certainly wasn’t that she wanted them to be just friends.  How he could he possibly be lying here naked in her bed after sharing not one but several very intimate lovemaking sessions and then be informed that he had been relegated to the friend zone once again?  He had been so sure that he had left it behind, never to be revisited.  “You want us to be friends?” he asked slowly, positive he must have misunderstood the intent of her little diatribe.
She nodded her head smiling reassuringly. “Yeah, we’re friends, just like always.”
Jordan watched those cute little chestnut curls bounce while she nodded her head. The thought drifted through his mind that he was in love with a lunatic.  She wanted to be friends after the incredible evening they had just shared; it didn’t make sense.  What could possibly be going through that curly topped head of hers?  Was she really not interested in him in that way? She had seemed extremely interested last night, but then again she had been under the influence.  No fucking way was he returning to the friend zone.
She watched a number of expressions cross his face as he absorbed what she had to say.  Then a hard look she had never before seen appeared. “No!”  His voice was hard, uncompromising.
Startled by both the tone of his voice and his monosyllabic response she could only respond in a stunned voice. “No?”
“No,” he said, as he got off the bed oblivious to his nudity.  He bent down and began picking up the discarded condom wrappers.  He walked over to her and held them up to her face. “What are these?”
She could feel the restrained fury vibrating through his body and shit, he was sporting a very big erection.  To say she felt intimidated was an understatement.  This was a side of Jordan she had never seen before.  Where was her relaxed, easy going friend?  “Mmmm…condom wrappers?”
His voice was tight as he said, “That’s right, and how many are there?”
Okay so he was really pissed.  She felt her anxiety go up one more notch.  “Four?”
He threw the wrappers down on the floor in obvious frustration. “That’s right, four.  We didn’t have one quick and dirty session of drunken sex that we can’t remember.  We had sex all night long.  Not once, but four times, and let’s not forget that I went down on you in your living room before we even made it to the bedroom.  So do you remember all of those times?”
She cringed inwardly.  Okay so this was getting awkward. “Well, yes of course I do.”
“So you really weren’t that drunk that you can say you didn’t know what you were doing, were you?” he asked in an aggressive tone.
Was she on trial?  Cause it was beginning to feel that way.  “Okay, so I guess I wasn’t that drunk, but really do you want to ruin a friendship because of little too much champagne?” 
His patience was at the end and his irritation was growing by the minute.  He looked directly into her eyes and said, “I did not have too much champagne.   Do you really think the only reason I slept with you was because I was drunk?”
Okay so who was this guy anyway?  “Well, I guess I sort of did.”
He grabbed her chin firmly between his fingers. “Let’s get this straight, I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you.  I’ve been waiting for you to get over your breakup with Noah.  It wasn’t accidental sex, Michaela.”
“Really?  I mean, we’ve been friends for a while and nothing has ever happened, so I just thought nothing ever would.”
“We’re not friends. We’re lovers now.  Deal.”  His voice was resolute.

My Review

It 's a romantic and fun novel, with a dash of mystery and suspense 

Michaela and Jordan meet both of which are engaged then she catches her fiancé in bed with the Jordan's girlfriend and since then the two become close friends. They are actually madly in love with each other: Michalea doesn't want to change the relationship for fear of ruining their friendship while Jordan is just waiting for the right time. One night after a  party they end up having the best sex of either's life : the next morning Jordan is determined to never come back even if Michaela is not convinced. The girl discovers that her friend is not what it seems and what he always said to be. How will Michaela  react to the new Jordan? In addition there is someone who is trying to kill her. 

The characters are very hilarious, especially Michaela's family, particularly her mother. There are some funny scenes like when, the morning after their night of love, her mother catches them in the kitchen. 
It 's a quick and nice read, maybe to read on the beach


Anna Wells

I’ m happily married with two children. I love to cook, hike, bike, and hang with my girlfriends. 

I’m an avid romance reader and enjoy all types of romance novels including historical, contemporary, paranormal, and erotica.

Oh and did I mention I have my own consulting business?

I obviously had a couple of hours left in the day so I began writing romance. I wanted to bring readers hot, sexy romances that are brought to life with compelling characters. Who knew writing romance could be as fun as reading it!

Twitter: @AnnaWel07914287

Release Blitz: Oceanborn by Amalie Howard

Check out the blog tour HERE


Author Amalie Howard has a message for you... 


The coronation is over.

But the battle has just begun.

Nerissa Marin has won her crown. But can she keep it? Already, her ties to the human realm are driving a wedge between Nerissa and her people. When word arrives that her part-human prince consort, Lo, has been poisoned, she makes the difficult choice to leave Waterfell and return landside. As the royal courts debate her decision, even more disturbing rumors surface: a plot is rising against her, led by someone she least expects.

On land, Nerissa learns another shocking truth: Lo does not remember who she is. As her choice to try to save him threatens her hold on her crown, changing loyalties and uncertainty test her courage in ways she could never have imagined. Nerissa will have one last chance to prove herself as a queen …and save the undersea kingdom she loves.

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Get your copy of OCEANBORN TODAY!

SEAMONSTER by Amalie Howard (Aquarathi #1.5)
Available on AMAZON for only $.99

AMALIE HOWARD grew up on a small Caribbean island where she spent most of her childhood with her nose buried in a book or being a tomboy running around barefoot, shimmying up mango trees and dreaming of adventure. 22 countries, surfing with sharks and several tattoos later, she has traded in bungee jumping in China for writing the adventures she imagines instead. She isn’t entirely convinced which takes more guts.

She is the author of several young adult novels critically acclaimed by Kirkus, PW, and Booklist, including Waterfell, The Almost Girl, and Alpha Goddess, a Spring 2014 Kid’s INDIE NEXT title. Her debut novel, Bloodspell, was an Amazon bestseller and a Seventeen Magazine Summer Read. As an author of color and a proud supporter of diversity in fiction, her articles on multicultural fiction have appeared in The Portland Book Review and on the popular Diversity in YA blog. She currently resides in New York with her husband and three children. Visit her at

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