lunedì 30 giugno 2014

Cover Reveal Descend

Title: Descend
Series: Awakened Fate (Book Two)
Author: SkyeMalone
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Publisher: Wildflower Isle
Publication Date: August 4, 2014
Cover Designer: Karri Klawiter (

Chloe always dreamed of visiting the ocean, and now the ocean is the only place she has left to go. Trapped in the form of a mermaid and on the run from the Sylphaen, her best chance for safety lies in traveling with Zeke to his underwater home and staying under his protection there.

Leaving isn’t easy, however. Her best friend doesn’t know where she’s gone, and her family doesn’t either. She’s been forced to abandon Noah, the boy she’s liked for years and who she’s just discovered likes her too. She only hopes Zeke’s people will help her so she can return soon.

But when conspiracies follow her and people start to die, safety becomes harder to find than ever. The Sylphaen are coming. They’re more powerful than she could have imagined.

And they’re not through with Chloe yet.

Awaken by Skye Malone
Book #1 in The Awakened Fate Series

99¢ for a limited time!


About Skye Malone

Skye Malone is a fantasy and paranormal romance author, which means she spends most of her time not-quite-convinced that the things she imagines couldn't actually exist.

Born and raised in central Illinois, she hopes someday to travel the world – though in the meantime she’ll take any story that whisks her off to a place where the fantastic lives inside the everyday. She loves strong and passionate characters, complex villains, and satisfying endings that stay with you long after the book is done. An inveterate writer, she can’t go a day without getting her hands on a keyboard, and can usually be found typing away while she listens to all the adventures unfolding in her head.

Skye also writes YA urban fantasy as Megan Joel Peterson and is the author of The Children and the Blood trilogy.

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Rachel Morgan - The Trouble With Flying - PROMO Blitz

The Trouble With Flying
by Rachel Morgan
Genre: Young Adult/New Adult
Date Published: June 24, 2014

Book Summary:
When introvert Sarah boards a plane to fly home after an overseas holiday, the last thing she expects is Aiden, the guy sitting next to her who’s never flown anywhere before and refuses to shut up. Hours of random conversation later, they part ways. Sarah can’t stop thinking about Aiden, though, and wondering if she made a terrible mistake letting him go. Should she abandon her safe, predictable life and go in search of him, or would she be chasing a happily ever after that could never exist in real life?

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Excerpt from The Trouble With Flying


I don’t make friends on aeroplanes. I know there are people who like to strike up a conversation with the complete stranger sitting next to them, but that’s not me. It’s not that I’m an unfriendly person. It’s more the fact that the conversation centre of my brain seems to seize up in the presence of strangers, and I can’t for the life of me figure out what to say. And even if the other person is happy to simply babble on while I pretend to listen and be interested, I’d really rather be doing something else. Like reading. Or watching a movie. Or sleeping. Or trying to figure out how to stop crying.

Yes. Crying. Because if being shy and awkward isn’t enough, today I’m adding red eyes, tears, and suppressed sobs to the embarrassing mix.

I stare out the tiny, oval window at the patches of reflected light on the wet runway and silently ask God to leave the seat next to me empty. I can’t deal with a chatty neighbour right now. I’d rather watch the black sky and incessant rain until we reach cruising altitude. Then I’ll close my eyes and let sleep take the pain away.

Oh, STOP IT. It’s not like someone died.

I wiggle around a bit in my seat and sniff, trying to listen to my inner pep-talk voice. Think of the good things, I tell myself. I’m on my way home. I’m leaving behind the dreary, wet weather for a sunny, summer climate. That, at least, should make me happy. But thinking about home leads to thoughts ofwho I’m flying towards, and that only makes my stomach twist further.

I hear the sound of a bag being dumped onto the seat at the end of my row. There are only three seats between the window and the aisle—mine and two others—so there’s a fifty-fifty chance this person is about to plonk him or herself down right next to me.

I angle myself more towards the window and swipe my fingers beneath my eyes. I start the furious tear-banishing blinking. Stop crying, stop crying, stop crying. All I need now is for someone to see my blotchy, wet face and start asking me what’s wrong.

I hear someone settling into a seat. I don’t feel movement right beside me, so it must be the aisle seat. Fantastic. I send up a quick thank-you prayer and remind God that it would be spectacularly awesome if He could keep the seat next to me empty.

A tickle inside my left nostril alerts me to the fact that my nose is dribbling. I sniff, but it doesn’t help.Crap, where are my tissues? I lean forward and reach down by my feet for my handbag. Brown strands of hair fall in front of my face and block my vision, but if I can just get the zip open and feel past my purse to the tissues—

No. Too late. Now it’s trickling down my lip and I’m digging around in the bag and I can’t feel the stupid tissues and a drop of tear-snot just landed on my hand and yuck! I haul the ridiculous handbag—I told Jules I didn’t need something so big—onto my lap with one hand while holding the back of my other hand to my nose. And there the tissues are. Right next to my purse. Perfectly easy to find. I rip one from the packet and jam it against my nose to stop the tear-snot flood.

And that’s when I catch a glimpse of the guy sitting in the aisle seat. A quick sideways glimpse, but enough to tell me he’s cute. Excellent cheekbones, a strong jawline, and perfectly messy dark brown hair. Terrific. My nose is dripping snot in front of a cute guy. Not that I should care that he’s cute, or that he’s a guy, because it’s not like I’m going to talk to him, and it’s not like I’m even available—am I? I don’t actually know. And thinking about that makes me want to cry all over again—but STILL. I don’t want to look blotchy and snotty in front of a cute guy.

About the Author
Rachel Morgan was born in South Africa and spent a large portion of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making. After completing a degree in genetics, she decided science wasn't for her--after all, they didn't approve of made-up facts. These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults.

Author Links:
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domenica 29 giugno 2014

Review: Hard Hats and Doormats by Laura Chapman

Title   Hard Hats and Doormats
Author  Laura Chapman
Published December 9th 2013
Genre Romance, Chick Lit

Lexi Burke has always been a stickler for following rules and procedures. As a human resources manager for a leading Gulf Coast chemical company, it’s her job to make sure everyone else falls in line, too. But after losing out on a big promotion–-because her boss sees her as too much of a yes-woman––Lexi adopts a new policy of following her heart instead of the fine print. And her heart knows what it wants: Jason Beaumont, a workplace crush who is off limits based on her previous protocol. While navigating a new romance and interoffice politics, Lexi must find the confidence to stand on her own or face a lifetime of following someone else’s orders. Who says nice girls have to finish last?

My Review
I received a copy of Hard Hats and Doormats in exchange for an honest review.

Lexi is a very determined young woman, very good at her job and is working hard to get a promotion. Working in a predominantly male environment, is responsible for human resources in a chemical company in the Gulf Coast, travels a lot and has a poor social life. When she discovers that her boss chooses a male colleague in her place for the promotion is still very hurt. What good is always follow the rules? It 's time that is very attracted to a colleague Jason Beaumont but has always retained because the rule says she has no relationships in the workplace. When she discovers that Jason is attracted to her decide to listen to her heart instead of business laws. It's very nice chemistry that you see right away between the two protagonists. Jason is wonderful, the ideal guy will help her to grow and find her way to serenity

It 's a novel funny, romantic and feminine, it is very well written:  a really enjoyable read.

                                                         4 stars

Laura Chapman found a way to mix her love of romance and humor as a women’s fiction author and blogger. A 2008 graduate of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Laura studied journalism, English and history. She traveled across the United States as a writer/photographer before settling into a career in communications. She also maintains Change the Word, a blog devoted to promoting women’s fiction and documenting her experiences as a writer. 

Born and raised in Nebraska – in a city, not on a farm – she is a devoted fan of football, British period drama, writing in bars and her cats, Jane and Bingley. Hard Hats and Doormats is her debut novel.

Connect with Laura

sabato 28 giugno 2014

Drive Bye by Amy Saunders

Drive Bye
by Amy Saunders

Belinda’s recent blunders have come back to bite her – and Bennett – in the monster cupcake. But they’re not the only ones with problems.

A car crash uncovers the body of an unlikely murder victim. But the more they learn about her, the more the answer to her death seems to lie in issues that reach far beyond Portside.
As the truth comes out, and Belinda’s personal life teeters on the breaking point, she takes life by the maraschino cherries, and finds help in very unexpected places.

About This Author
Amy Saunders is a mystery lover with a soft spot for humor and romance–and the ocean. She lives in Massachusetts, and loves to bake and watch movies. She’s the author of one mystery series and three standalone mysteries. Learn more about Amy and her books at her website.

GoodReads –

Purchase Links

My review

This is the third novel in the series  Belinda and Bennett Mysteries but it can be read as a standalone, maybe reading the first two are clearer certain bonds but even so it is very understandable (I have not yet read the first two but I hope to do so soon ). 
Bennett was arrested, is no longer in police and is having trouble finding work, while Belinda is very busy with the new business. Participate together at a wedding of a relative of Belinda and her whole family is hostile to the new boy especially  her grandmother. While they are coming back together by marriage see an accident and a dead girl. The victim is called Elena and she was a cleaning lady and she was killed before being invested. She had problems with drugs as a young woman. A reporter tries successfully to Belinda involved in the investigation. 

It 's a book rich, compelling and entertaining where nothing is missing: a grandmother very intrusive and authoritarian, a nosy journalist, a murder full of secrets and a troubled love story. 
Must-read for those who love the cozy mystery

Tour Participants
June 16 – Queen of All She Reads – Review, Giveaway
June 17 – Carole’s Book Corner – Guest Post
June 18 – Kelly P’s Blog – Interview
June 20 – Cicero’s Children – Interview
June 21 – readalot blog - Review
June 23 – >Back Porchervations – Review, Interview
June 24 – Shelley’s Book Case - Review, Giveaway
June 24 – Victoria’s Pages of Romance – Guest Post
June 25 – Community Bookstop – Review, Giveaway
June 26 – Chloe Gets A Clue – Interview
June 27 – deal sharing aunt – Guest Post, Giveaway
June 28 – LibriAmoriMiei – Review
June 29 – Omnimystery News – Interview

giovedì 26 giugno 2014

Blog Tour Review Breaking Fences

Breaking Fences (The Breaking Series, #2)
Genre: NA contemporary romance
Word Count: ~80,000
Release date: June/2014
Cover by: Okay Creations

Summary from Goodreads:
All Beatriz “Bia” Fernandes wants is to prove herself—to her family and friends—though it’s hard to prove anything with an overbearing father and three famous polo-playing older brothers. After her acceptance into college results in a heated family argument, the Brazilian girl leaves everything behind to find her own American dream.

College life away from home is perfect until the people she believes to be her friends turn on her. With lies and rumors threatening to suffocate her, Bia turns to her only freedom. Riding.

But one thing gets in the way of her escape. Garrett Blackwell and his bad cowboy attitude. Working at the ranch is his obligation, bugging Bia is his newfound hobby. His thick skin and easy grin don’t hide what Bia already knows—this misunderstood and lonely cowboy fights his own demons. Brushing horses’ coats and mucking out stalls shouldn’t be this sexy, and it isn’t long before he becomes a part of her distraction.

However, escaping won’t solve her problems, and it’s up to Bia to break down the fences around her and prove her strength—not to her family and friends, but to herself … and for Garrett. Because standing on her own doesn’t have to mean standing alone.

** Companion novel of Breaking the Reins. Can be read out of order.**

Goodreads link to book one:

Buy Links:
Amazon | B&N | Kobo iBooks


Bia is twenty-two years and  decide to leave her family and goes to an American college to study veterinary medicine. Se wants to take care of herself to prove to her father and her famous brothers who can do it. On campus believed to have made ​​new friends but actually find that for envy they spread rumors about her: she  is Brazilian so it's an easy girl. She is the victim of many jokes but find refuge in a riding school near the campus where she  falls in love with a special horse Midnight Dream and knows better even his coach Garrett. The guy is often on campus even if  is not a student and Bia soon discovers that he also has to deal with a famous family behind. 
The characters are really well characterized: Bia is a strong and brave girl who will deal with all the adversity and the evil head-on: the beginning suffers a lot and come to think that perhaps her family was right but then regains its strength and decides to be herself despite everything. 
It 'a very compelling book, a quick read, once started will not let me anymore. Although it is the second book in a series you can read quietly alone, the first I did not read it yet but hope to do so soon.
Must read for lovers of horses, the new adult and on college campus stories.

                                                                      4 stars

About the Author:
New Adult author and contributor at NA Alley blog.
While Juliana Haygert dreams of being Wonder Woman, Buffy, or a blood elf shadow priest, she settles for the less exciting—but equally gratifying—life of a wife, mother, and author. Thousands of miles away from her former home in Brazil, she now resides in Connecticut and spends her days writing about kick-ass heroines and the heroes who drive them crazy.

Author Links:


                                                         Blog Tour Organized by:

                                                         YA Bound Book Tours

Blog Tour Before He Was Famous

Before He Was Famous
by Becky Wicks



Falling in love with your best friend isn’t always a great idea, especially when he’s Noah Lockton - the sexiest, most famous new talent on the planet. When 21-year-old small-town photographer Chloe Campbell is offered the chance of a lifetime – to join her celebrity childhood friend Noah on tour as an exclusive blogger for a New York magazine – she’s certain both have put what happened four years ago behind them. But his eyes still burn; his voice is still a jackhammer to her heartstrings; all his songs are about her. Is it possible that that night still haunts them both?

The music industry is a machine, spinning hype and rumors as much as his records. It’s not just Noah’s girlfriends who’ve got it in for Chloe (there’s no stopping the Twitter-obsessed, cat-loving pop-star Courtney Lentini for starters). Pretty soon, the jealousy and media frenzy surrounding these so-called-friends takes a life-changing turn and it seems making love means making enemies at every turn. When tragedy threatens to pull the final curtain on their relationship, both Chloe and Noah must make a choice. As much as this world leaves them starstruck, is living their dream really worth living without each other?

A story of lifelong friendships, love and hope, set in a world of celebrity, fame and social media gone very, very wrong.



Chloe. Chapter 22.

I see the scar on his right shoulder from where he fell off Jack's homemade sled one winter and tumbled roly-poly style right into a rock. It's a thin, shiny white line. I resist the urge to touch it. He's undoing me, again, lying here beside me in a literal bed we made ages ago but have since refused to lie in. How does he do this?

'I guess she knows it, even if you don't,' he whispers.

'I do,' I say, and inside I'm screaming. We're not doing this; we're not. This is dangerous. But he climbed in next to me and now it's the strongest, aching urge to keep him here, to have him holding me again and to never let me go. The guilt surges through me, along with the fear. 'So, she broke up with you?' I manage.

'I guess so,' he replies, scanning my cuts with his eyes.

'She really liked you, Noah,'

'Yeah, well, maybe I'm just an asshole.'

I realize my hand is still in his hair and I retract it quickly. He grabs it, holds it against him. You're not an asshole I'm thinking, but for some reason I can't say it. It would be like admitting something else; like the fact that he's an asshole to every girl who likes him, but never to me. And then I'd have to really think about why that is and that's not something I'll ever be comfortable with at all, even though his eyes are like maps and his words are like anchors and his songs are like personal messages and I love all that.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Becky Wicks is a HarperCollins author going indie! Itchy feet has led her to live and work all over the world since leaving England at age 21, including NYC, Sydney, Bali, South America and Dubai. Right now she’s scribbling the second book in the HotFlush series in Vietnam, and will soon be in Vancouver if any hot Canadian men want to make her a cup of tea?

Becky has also written three funny travel books about her time in Dubai, Bali and South America (HarperCollins). Her first book, Burqalicious - The Dubai Diaries, her second book, Balilicious - The Bali Diaries and her third, Latinalicious -The South America Diaries are out now as ebooks.

Becky has also written a comedy romance with author Sarah Alderson under the name Lola Salt, called The Extraordinary Life of Lara Craft (not Croft) which should raise a giggle or two... think Bridget Jones if Jackie Collins had written it!

Follow her on twitter at bex_wicks and her blog


Twitter: bex_wicks


So Noah, tell us, you’re going through some crazy times, but when and where were you the happiest you’ve ever been?
Honestly, I think most people would probably want me to say when I won Show Us What U’ve Got, but I don’t remember anything about that except my heart beating so hard I thought I was gonna die on that stage! I think the happiest I’ve ever been was when me and Chloe and a bunch of others took this camping trip to the mountains and we wrote songs and told ghost stories and just shut ourselves off from the world for two days. Those times are important – we spend way too long glued to technology, don’t you think?
What is your biggest fear?
I’m most afraid of not living. Not of dying, so to speak, just of not doing all the stuff I want and need to do with my life, you know? I want to travel, I want to see places. I guess I’m also scared of spiders, but don’t tell Chloe that. She makes me pick them up and put them outside and I pretend I don’t mind cause I’m a guy, but I hate it!
What’s your greatest extravagance since you became famous?
I sent my family to the Maldives for a vacation after Jack’s accident, oh and I flew Chloe and I to Bali ‘cause I wanted to get away where I knew no one would take photos or follow us. I’m buying an apartment soon in Manhattan, but only ‘cause it’s my base right now. I don’t buy crazy stuff, really. Jack thinks I should buy some cars and a yacht but really, I would never use them. I bought a few new guitars though!
What is your greatest regret?
Not telling Chloe how much she means to me sooner. I don’t want to be all gushy and lame, and I hate to have regrets, but honestly if you love someone you should tell them, really. You never know when it’s gonna be too late. I learnt my lesson though, I tell everyone what they mean to me now and I’ll stick by my friends and family, no matter what. My line of work can be so shallow – I really value meaningful connections in my life.
Which talent would you most like to have?
I’d like to be able to cook  - I don’t have time. Chloe and Alyssa can both cook pretty good, and you can’t beat my mom’s lasagna. Most of the time I order salads from delis and hotel room service – I get mobbed if I go to restaurants on my own.
Where would you like to live?
Eventually, when all this fades, which let’s face it, it might, me and Chloe are gonna do a huge trip and decide where we’re gonna raise a family. I kind of love the ocean, but Chloe loves the mountains. There must be someplace with both that we can fall in love with together.
So you’re planning to marry Chloe?
Ha! Well, that could be a way off, but I don’t see myself with anyone else.
Can you tell us what Courtney Lentini is up to? Are you still in touch?
Not really. I think she moved to Europe for a while with some guy when her last album flopped. We Tweet occasionally but she has her life and I have mine and we’re both with other people.
What quality you most admire in a woman?
Confidence. I love a woman who’s ambitious, who knows what she wants and goes for it. There’s nothing hotter than a chick with a dream who’d rather die than let anyone tell her she couldn’t do something. I also like long hair on girls. And brunettes. Is that a quality? I guess it’s not!
What do you most value about your friends?
Honesty. My brother Jack is my closest friend and I love that he’s kind of my reality check, you know? If things get too crazy and if he sees I have the slightest chance of getting my head stuck up my ass he pulls me up on that pretty quick. Keeping my feet on the ground is important! I also love people with a sense of humor. Alyssa is probably the funniest girl I know – she’s not afraid to tell it like it is and again, that’s honesty. I respect that.
Are there any words or phrases that you think you overuse?
I use ‘bloody hell’ and ‘mate’ a lot now, but that’s Denzel’s fault. He’s British (Denzel is my manager) and we’ve all picked up a little from his vocabulary. Sometimes it’s like he’s talking in riddles.

And finally, what is the most private thing you’re willing to admit about you and Chloe?

I’m not answering that.

Promo Blitz Playing with Destiny

Playing With Destiny (Latin Heat Trilogy #3) - PROMO Blitz
By Diane Escalera
Contemporary Romance
Date Published: May 29, 2014

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Fate brought them together. Will Destiny keep them apart?

Destiny Quinn lives for her job. She loves being an IT Recruiter, traveling nationwide. But all work and no play has left her feeling restless. It's been a year since she's gone out on a date — or slept with a man. Suddenly, Destiny can't think about anything else. She's not looking for a relationship, just a good time and a sexy diversion. One steamy night of mind-blowing pleasure, then maybe she can get back to business.

Christian LaCosta wants to prove to his family — and himself — that he is relationship material. Lately, it seems like everyone around him is in love. Maybe it's time to give up the fast life and fast women, quit being the odd man out. Christian decides to take the plunge and join an online dating service. When he's unwittingly hooked up with a luscious neighbor named Destiny, the coincidence is too much. Christian doesn't believe in fate, but one look at Destiny, and he's seeing a whole new future. Now he must convince this career-driven beauty that work isn't everything. Take a chance on them, and she can have it all.

WARNING:  Food Play, Hot Sex, Latin Hunk


What a knockout. He could stare at her all day. “Then let’s do it,” he said, pushing out his elbow so she could take his arm. She went for it, making him one happy dude.

They strode casually and comfortably, like a couple who’d known each other longer than a day. Gliding by the swimming pool, he couldn’t care less who saw him, and he didn’t even make eye contact with anyone. Destiny held her head high, her soft blond hair billowing with the dusk breeze. Every so often she glanced at him, and when she did, his strut grew more pronounced.

Christian dug out his access pass from his back pocket and swiped it. The secured glass door unlocked, and he held it open for her. His gaze rolled over her body dimensions. Crap. He had it bad.

Destiny followed a tiled hallway that led to the main entrance and elevators. Framed tropical artwork adorned the walls. Two mauve, upholstered high-back chairs, a floor lamp, and a small glass accent table made the lobby homey. Usually people were in and out, but right now they were alone. Christian reached for the elevator button at the same time Destiny did. His finger mashed hers.

She looked at him and grinned. “Did you do that on purpose?”

“Nope,” he said, showing both hands. But damn, he liked the contact.

Her mouth quirked. “What floor do you live on?”

“Eleventh,” he said, puzzled. “Are we going to my place or yours?”

“Let’s go to yours first.” Her gaze swept him from head to toe. “I want to make sure you’re who you say you are.”

No problem. He had nothing to hide. And he didn’t feel insulted either. The elevator bell chimed and the door slid open. A young good-looking guy sprung out. He nodded at Christian, and gave Destiny a brazen once-over. Christian could’ve popped the jerk.

Ladies first, Christian indicated to Destiny when the path had cleared. They stepped into the elevator, and he pressed number eleven on the panel. The door swooshed closed and soft instrumental music came on. They looked at each other and laughed.

“Don’t take it the wrong way, okay?” she asked, watching him.

He shrugged. “Hey, you can’t be too careful.” Obviously, she’d been spooked by the ex. Bastard had left her paranoid. It made his temper flare, but he didn’t want to think about that right now.

“It’s just that the last guy I trusted...” She looked down and her forehead crinkled.

He lifted her chin with his fingers, forcing her to look at him. “If it’s any consolation, I’m more afraid of you.”

Her eyes widened. “Why?”

“Do you have any idea how gorgeous you are?” His finger brushed her soft cheek. “Not that it makes it okay, but I could understand why a guy would lose his mind.”

She smiled. “I think his issues had little to do with me.”

The two of them alone.

An intimate space.

A fierce attraction.

Perfect time for a kiss.

But he held back. “Whatever his problem, it’s not yours anymore.” They stared each other down, her light eyes never wavering from his dark ones.

Her teeth dug into her bottom lip. “No,” she agreed, grasping his upper arm.

He palmed her lower back, drew her body close to his. Destiny wanted him to kiss her. He saw it in her eyes.

Diane Escalera
Author Diane Escalera photo Deepic2_zps737fbf69.jpg
Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, Diane Escalera makes her home in coastal North Carolina. The sultry surroundings are a steady source of inspiration for her hot love stories. Diane is married, has two children and a super cute dachshund she can’t get enough of. She writes contemporary romance and is published with Kensington Publishing and Lyrical Press.

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