giovedì 22 agosto 2013


This challenge is hosted by Darlene's Booknook
This challenge is for those books that are 2nd in a series, or if you are going back for a second time reading an author that you've experienced only once.
Here are the challenge details:
1. This challenge will run from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013.
2. You can join the challenge at any time. All books read during the challenge period count for the challenge, regardless of when you sign up.
3. This challenge can cross-over to your other reading challenges.
4. You do not need a blog to participate! If you are not a blogger, you can post your reviews at Goodreads, Shelfari, or LibraryThing and link them up here.
5. All formats of books are acceptable: Bound copies, e-books, and audiobooks (unabridged only). 
6. There are four levels for the challenge:
a. Just A Spoonful: Read 5 books that are second in a series or the second time that you've read the author.
b. A Few More Bites: Read 10 books that aresecond in a series or the second time that you've read the author.
c. A Full Plate: Read 20 books that are second in a series or the second time that you've read the author.
d. All You Can Eat: Read 30 books that are second in a series or the second time that you've read the author.
7. When you write your sign-up post, you must choose your level. You can go up, but you cannot go down!
  I am signing up as a Just A Spoonful /5 books

La sfida consiste nel leggere il secondo libro di una serie o di un autore che leggiamo per la seconda volta: vale qualsiasi formato. Non è necessario avere un blog, le recensioni possono essere pubblicate su Goodreads e simili.
La sfida parte dal 1 gennaio 2013 al  31 dicembre 2013: ci si può iscrivere qui in qualsiasi momento e valgono anche i libri letti prima dell'iscrizione, basta che siano stati finiti dopo il 1 gennaio 2013.
Ci sono 4 livelli da scegliere al momento dell'iscrizione: si può aumentare di livello ma non si può tornare indietro

Io partecipo con il livello Just A Spoonful/5 libri

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