martedì 23 febbraio 2021

Book Blitz & Giveaway: Decide to Live by Shirley Anne Edwards

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Decide to Live by Shirley Anne Edwards. Decide to Live is a New Adult contemporary romance book.

This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours.  See the tour schedule here.

Decide to Live cover
Decide to Live (Finding the Strength #3)
By Shirley Anne Edwards
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Young Adult, New Adult
Release Date: 14 February, 2021

When it hurts too much to live, how does one find the strength to stay alive and find hope again?

Reiko Nakano has a charmed life. Not only does the twenty-three-old come from a life of luxury because of her celebrity parents and supermodel sister, she’s best friends with the biggest brother and sister pop duo in the world- Gio and Gem Grove. But what the public assumes is wrong different because of what Reiko suffers in private. She feels she’s an outcast in her own family because of her ptosis and her social anxiety. She then makes the biggest mistake of her life and tries to turn her lifelong crush on Gio into something more. His cruel rejection after she lets him take her virginity leaves her heartbroken.

Reiko hides in the least likely of places- the small town of Albee, Pennsylvania. There she enjoys her anonymity and enrolls in summer classes at Maison University. She hopes she can fit in as a student, but life continues to play tricks on her when she’s hit in the face by a football from one of the most popular boys on campus, Will Forest. But this accidental but memorial meeting will help heal her fragile emotions because Will shows her how special she is to those she meets, including him.

She isn’t sure what to make of Will. He’s too nice and sweet, and treats her like gold. She accepts his attempts at romance even though it’s only temporary. But as the summer flies by, she doesn’t want to give Will up, who doesn’t know the truth about her “vacation”. And when Gio arrives in town, and threatens to out Reiko, she has some hard choices to make. Does she come clean to Will so she can decide to finally live on her own terms and embrace the amazing woman Will thinks her to be?

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Shirley Anne Edwards
About the Author:
Shirley Anne Edwards is a Northeast girl who first found her love for books when she read Nancy Drew’s The Secret of the Old Clock Tower at thirteen. Shirley found her love for writing at a very young age, and since then has let her imagination run wild by creating quirky characters and vast worlds in her head. Shirley lives in New Jersey and works in the entertainment industry in New York City.

Author links:
- Website
- Facebook
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- Goodreads
- Amazon
- Bookbub
- Instagram

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There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Decide to Live. Three people will win e-copies of Rage to Live, Let me Live and Decide to Live.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:

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sabato 20 febbraio 2021

Cover Reveal for Disaster Girl by Michelle Dayton


Join us for the cover reveal of Disaster Girl by Michelle Dayton. Fans who love Second Chance Romances will sink their teeth into this spicy, humorous romance. Keep scrolling for more details about this sexy cover. 

Title: Disaster Girl

Author: Michelle Dayton

Release Date: May 20th, 2021

Genres: Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction

Trope: Sexy Hacker, Second Chance Romance, Will They or Won’t They, Stand-Alone Romance



Tess Greene knows disaster—dating disasters, computer disasters, family disasters, you name it. But just when her life is finally almost perfect, she’s targeted by an internet celebrity who runs a revenge porn site admired by douchebags across the country. She has one month before the entire world will have an up-close-and-personal view of her sexual history. Tess has always handled everything on her own, but for this disaster, she needs backup.

Max Hampshire, a brilliant hacker, is exactly the lifeline Tess needs. What she doesn’t need is Max himself. She does not need his quick wit, sexy black-framed glasses, or all-around sweetness. The last guy who helped Tess left with his life crushed and his heart broken, so she knows that staying far away from Max would be safer for everyone.

But safety isn’t really an option when dealing with sleazy predators—or love… 

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About Michelle Dayton 

There are only three things Michelle Dayton loves more than sexy and suspenseful novels: her family, the city of Chicago, and Mr. Darcy. Michelle dreams of a year of world travel – as long as the trip would include weeks and weeks of beach time. As a bourbon lover and unabashed wine snob, Michelle thinks heaven is discussing a good book over an adult beverage.

Follow: Facebook | Twitter | Website | Goodreads | BookBub | Amazon 

lunedì 15 febbraio 2021

Release Blitz: Broken by Evelyn Sola


He swept into my life, like an unexpected storm. One minute I’m planning forever and the next, I’m left picking up the pieces. Three years have passed and now he’s back wanting to reclaim what once was. Can lightning strike twice or will they be left broken? Readers who love second chance romances will enjoy this diverse, contemporary romance.



I never saw Noah Weston coming. He swept into my life like an unexpected storm, but soon, he was everything to me.
Until tragedy struck.
One day I was planning the rest of my life with my soulmate, and the next I was picking up the pieces of a love so strong, it broke me apart.
It took three years to put myself back together.
Three years until I was ready to move on.
I’ll never forget it. The day he came back.
Can lightening strike twice? Maybe, but when I look into his eyes, all I remember are the last words he ever spoke to me.
The words that left me broken.

I loved her before I knew her name. She was more than just my heartbeat. Julia Blake was a dream too good to be true.
When real life invaded the bubble we had created, I was left a broken man.
I survived, but I was dead inside. Half the man I used to be.
The half I needed had a new life without me.
Three years later, I’m back to reclaim what I’ve lost.
I’m back for her, only she wants nothing to do with me.

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Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 



Copyright 2021 @Evelyn Sola

I take another bite of the brownie and then lay flat on the grass, letting the October sun kiss my brown skin while I enjoy the chocolatey goodness.
“Ahh,” I say to myself, “after this, I can die happy.” I put both hands behind my head and squint at the sun beaming down on me.
“I hope not,” I hear a deep voice say.
I sit up and look at the figure, but the bright sun blocks his face. I block the sun by putting a hand on my forehead and look into a pair of familiar eyes, the clearest green I’ve ever seen. The sun dips behind a cloud, giving me a clear view of his face.
It’s the ginger hottie with the bun. He’s either a transfer or a graduate student because, in all my years here, I’ve never seen him until recently. But whatever the circumstances, he’s certainly noticeable. And I never turn down an opportunity to ogle good eye candy.
First, he’s head and shoulders taller than everyone on campus. He walks around, his shoulders broad, as if he owns the place. Unlike most of the people at this school, I’ve never seen him with an entourage. The few times I’ve seen him, he’s been alone.
His bun is messier than usual today. Half of it has fallen out of the elastic and hangs on his very broad shoulders. The wind blows, making his hair messier, and my fingers itch to put it back in place.
I’ve never been this close to him, and when I look into his face again, I notice a small scar above his left eyebrow. I envision running a finger over that scar fifty different ways.
“Well, if you ever had this brownie, you’d die a happy death too,” I finally say.
Normally, I’d be tongue-tied around someone as good looking as him, but knowing that he must be making small talk between classes and that someone like him would never be interested in me, I decide to just be myself.
“Are you going to share, then? I want to judge this brownie for myself.” His eyes twinkle when he smiles, and the smile reveals a dimple in each cheek. When he sticks his hand out, I stare at it, dumbfounded. “Noah Weston,” he says, and I finally shake his hand.
I’m a tall woman, only an inch shy of six feet. My hands have always been considered large, but now it’s totally engulfed in his. He wraps his hand around mine, holding it firmly, showing the contrast between my brown hand and his much lighter one. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he doesn’t want to let go, but he does after I give it a little tug.
“Julia Blake.” I rub my hand on my jeans, trying to erase the electrical charge from his brief touch.

Buy Now or Read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited! 

About Evelyn Sola 

A Boston native, wife, mother, and wine enthusiast. If she’s not writing, thinking about writing, you will find Evelyn with a book in her hands. While a new publisher, she’s been writing for years, and she will continue to write for many years to come.

Evelyn is obsessed with assertive and confident men who will stop at nothing to get their woman. Her stories are filled with love, passion and humor.

She currently lives in Chicago, IL with her husband and two daughters.

Follow: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Reader Group | Goodreads | BookBub | Newsletter | Amazon 

sabato 13 febbraio 2021

2021 What An Animal Reading Challenge


Yvonne at Socrates’ Book Reviews is hosting the 2020 What An Animal Reading Challenge. This is a fun challenge for anyone who likes reading books with animal stars or costars.  
1.  Any book read for this challenge has to have an animal that plays a major role in the book (which could be fiction or non-fiction.) It also counts if a main character is (or turns into) an animal (define that however you'd like).  In the past, books would qualify if an animal is in the title or on the cover, but that alone no longer qualifies.  This challenge is for books related to animals and just because they are in the title or on the cover, doesn't mean it's about an animal.

These are the levels.

Level 1 - Read 6 books

Level 2 - Read 7-12

Level 3 - Read 13-20

Level 4 - Read 21 or more

2. The animal can be any type of animal (real or fictitious)--dog, cat, monkey, wolf, snake, insect, hedgehog, aardvark...dragon, mermaid, centaur, vampire, get the idea..

3. Challenge runs from January 1, 2021 to December 31, 2021.

4. Books can be fiction or nonfiction.

5. You may make a list of books at the beginning of the challenge or you can just list them as you find them.

6. Book titles may be swapped out at anytime (assuming you made a list to begin with).

7. Crossovers with other challenges are permitted and encouraged.

8. You don't have to have a blog or write a review, but you can if you want to. If you don't have a blog, just post in the comment section that you'd like to join. You can post your books in there. Or you can sign up by joining my group on Goodreads for this challenge by clicking here.

9. Books can be in any format of your choice (print, audio, ebooks)

10.  To sign up, use the Mister Linky below. There will be links for reviews and wrap posts later.
I want to try with the level 2.
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