
lunedì 31 agosto 2015

Review & Giveaway: My Lady Faye by Sarah Hegger

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Sir Arthur's Legacy #2
Sarah Hegger
Released September 1st, 2015
Kensington Books : Lyrical

The Lady

The fair Lady Faye has always played the role allotted her. Yet the marriage her family wanted only brought her years of abuse and heartache. Now, finally free of her tyrannical husband, she is able to live her own life for the first time. But someone from the past has returned. Someone she has never been able to forget.

The Warrior

After years of servitude as a warrior for King and Country, Gregory is now free to pursue his own path: to serve God by becoming a monk. The only thing stopping him is Faye. Gregory has loved Faye since the moment he saw her. But their love was not meant to be. How can he serve God when his heart longs for her? He can neither forsake God nor the woman he loves.

The Promise

When Faye's son is kidnapped, Gregory answers her family's call for help, only to find that even in the most dangerous of circumstances, neither can fight their forbidden attraction. An attraction that now burns brighter than ever before. And it is only a matter of time until it consumes them both.

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My Review

It's a brillant  and captivating Medieval novel with  twists, action, adventure and lots of romance.
Gregory is trying to figure out whether to become a monk is his true path. He is deeply in love with Lady Faye and it's hard for him to choose between his love for God and that for the woman, especially now that she is free. When Faye's son is kidnapped by his father, Gregory ran to her aid and together they will try to recover him. It will be hard for Gregory to honor his religious commitment.
I really enjoyed this book for several reasons, the first of which is the setting. I love medieval castles, knights, medieval clothes and style of life. I liked all of the characters. Faye was able to rise to a violent husband and escape to a hellish life. She's a loving mother and willing to do anything to save his sons. Gregory is a true knight, a man of honor and loyal. 
It's the second book of Sir Arthur's Legacy Series, can be read as a stand alone: ​​I only had a few difficulties at the beginning to make history in but later everything became clear and flowed perfectly. I hope  to read soon  the first book about the history of Beatrice.
This book was amazing and I loved every page. It's fast paced, very well written, sweet and engaging.
I received an advance reader edition of this book from Publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.


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Born British and raised in South Africa, Sarah Hegger suffers from an incurable case of wanderlust. Her match? A hot Canadian engineer, whose marriage proposal she accepted six short weeks after they first met. Together they’ve made homes in seven different cities across three different continents (and back again once or twice). If only it made her multilingual, but the best she can manage is idiosyncratic English, fluent Afrikaans, conversant Russian, pigeon Portuguese, even worse Zulu and enough French to get herself into trouble.

Mimicking her globe trotting adventures, Sarah’s career path began as a gainfully employed actress, drifted into public relations, settled a moment in advertising, and eventually took root in the fertile soil of her first love, writing. She also moonlights as a wife and mother.She currently lives in Draper, Utah, with her teenage daughters, two Golden Retrievers and aforementioned husband. Part footloose buccaneer, part quixotic observer of life, Sarah’s restless heart is most content when reading or writing books.

She loves to hear from readers and you can find her at any of the places below.

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