
lunedì 31 agosto 2015

Review & Giveaway: Deal Breakers by Laura Lee

by Laura Lee



How were they supposed to know that one night would change everything?

Devyn has life all mapped out. She just needs to accomplish one more thing before graduating college and becoming a full-fledged adult—lose her virginity. And who better to assist her than her best friend, Riley?

Riley is the self-proclaimed king of fling. His college years have been filled with meaningless hookups until the one night that ruined him for all other women. The one night he spends with his best friend, Devyn. Right before he screws it all up.

Balls to the wall, baby!

Now five years later, Riley is determined to atone for his mistakes and prove that he can be the man that Devyn deserves. Little does he know that Devyn’s been keeping a secret from him all these years. A big secret. Now he has to figure out how to win back the only girl he’s ever loved while navigating the pitfalls of her unexpected revelation.

Deal Breakers is filled with lots of laughs, a sexy romance, and an overflowing swear jar.


My Review:

It 's a read fast and fresh, romantic and fun, is addictive and a total page turner, There was humor, romance, friendships, lots of chemistry. 
Riley is attracted to Devyn from the moment he sees her for the first time but she just wants to be her friend. Riley is content with her friendshisp throughout the whole college. Shortly before graduation Devyn asks for help from Riley: she doesn't want leaving college as a virgin. Riley can't wait to fulfill her wish. Devyn  confesses she loves him and he acts like a fool. For five long years they have not spoken. Now Riley wants to try again but will still have time?
The story was light and easy to read with a good plot although a little predictable, appealing characters, this was a very enjoyable read. It is the perfect read for the summer.
I received an advance reader edition of this book from the publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.



“Uh oh,” Brody says. “I know that look. Tell me about her.”

I look up. “What?”

He laughs. “You’re hung up on a chick.”

I sigh. “Is it that obvious?”

He smiles. “Ah, I get it, brother. You’ve been touched by the Magic Pussy.”

“The magic what?”

“The Magic Pussy,” he repeats. “Pussy that is so good you can never get enough and it’s impossible to forget. An Urban Legend in my opinion, but you sure do have all the pathetic signs.”

“Thanks,” I grumble.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Laura Lee is the author of the bestselling Karli Lane series as well as the upcoming Dealing With Love series. She is a proud member of the Romance Writers of America focusing on paranormal, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance.

Laura's passion has always been storytelling. She spent most of her life with her nose in a book thinking of alternate endings or continuations to the story. She won her first writing contest at the ripe old age of nine, earning a trip to the state capital to showcase her manuscript. Thankfully for her, those early works will never see the light of day again!

Laura lives in the Pacific Northwest with her wonderful husband, two beautiful children, and three of the most poorly behaved cats in existence. She likes her fruit smoothies filled with rum, her cupboards stocked with Cadbury's chocolate, and her music turned up loud. When she's not writing or watching HGTV, she's reading anything she can get her hands on. She's a sucker for spicy romances, especially those involving vampires or cowboys!
For more information, please visit her website at:


Amazon Author Page:








Laura Lee  will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

3 commenti:

  1. Thanks for sharing! I'll check in throughout the day if anyone has any questions for me.

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! I enjoyed the excerpt. :)
