
venerdì 20 marzo 2015

Review & Giveaway : The Wolf's Torment

The Wolf’s Torment
by Stephanie Burkhart



It's 1865 and Moldavia is a country nestled against the shores of the Black Sea. Lady Theresa travels from Austria to this country that's haunted by tales of vampires and werewolves. She's going to marry the Crown Prince, but she harbors her own unspoken secrets.

Prince Mihai has just returned to Moldavia to discover he's a witch. He's intent on being a good husband and modernizing his country, but he must find a balance with his supernatural heritage. His best friend, Viktor, accompanies Mihai and marries Mihai's sister. In an unfortunate twist of fate, a werewolf bites Viktor.

Viktor's transformation threatens everyone around him, including his wife's safety and Mihai's happiness, but he's especially dangerous when he's near Theresa. Can Mihai save his family from Viktor's lies and deceptions?

My Review:

I really liked this book, I don't read very often novels about vampires or werewolves but this is really intriguing, I was engrossed from the first chapter.

Mihai is the son of the king of Moldavia and an Italian gipsy witch, in his veins flows the blood of witch, although he has never used his powers. He had the opportunity to study in England but now must go home because his father is dying and he must do his duty. With him there is Viktor, his closest friend who has offered to act as his personal valet. Just arrived Mihai discovers that his father has arranged a marriage with Theresa, a sweet and innocent girl, she is part of a family of good witches. Mihai just had a big disappointment in love in England: Alexandra, the woman he was in love and that he would be willing to fight with his father in order to marry her, has not agreed to come to Moldova with him and the thing has greatly injured him. But, just know Theresa, he falls in love, she is so sweet and full of life that you can not love. Even Viktor, just know Sonia Mihai's  sister, falls in love and decide to marry. Unfortunately he is bitten by a werewolf and with the blood of the wolf goes crazy and becomes dangerous for Mihai and his family. The future king must learn to use his powers to defend his happiness.
It 's a paranormal novel compelling, full of suspense, adventurous and romantic. The characters are well built and credible. Viktor is an antagonist very particular, is very tough his inner struggle between his good side and the wolf's bad side, it's hard to hate him. Mihai is a serious guy, brave, very determined to become a good king, is doing everything possible to modernize and improve his kingdom and is currently bringing to exploit his magical powers. I also like his attachment to the family. Theresa is his ideal companion: is brave, cheerful and full of initiatives and it helps a lot to manage his powers.
It 's the first book in the series "Moldavian Moon".
It's the second book I read this author, a few months ago I had read one of her stories in 2014 Christmas Collections (Mr Christmas Elf), and I was really like, I hope to read soon something else.

For those who love paranormal and historical novels and for those who love The Eastern Europe, there are descriptions of  places truly captivating.



Theresa walked down the hall toward Mihai's study, thrilled to finally receive an invitation from him. They were only a week into Lent, but each time she was with Mihai, his hesitation and reservations grew less. His kisses grew bolder, harder, full of passion, and the way he ran his hands over her body ignited a fire in the core of her being that she could hardly contain.

Then there was 'the feeling' between them. She didn't know what else to call it. When she and Mihai were kissing, touching, caressing, she could swear she felt his emotions, his passions, his desires, and that only heightened the sensual experiences between them.

And he felt her.

She guessed this had to be because he was a witch. The thought didn't unnerve her. She'd overheard her family on occasions talking about witches and their powers, and she always accepted the existence of witches because they did, but she never thought she'd meet a real witch, let alone marry one. She believed witches to be good, so she had no fear of Mihai or his talents.

She stopped in front of the study's door. She wanted to be good. Beatrice once told her good was boring, but Theresa never believed that. She was having fun. Mihai stimulated her like no other. He listened to her. He believed in her causes. She would be a good wife to him and a good mother to his children.

Yes, she resolved, she would be good. Her shoulders set, she knocked on the door. "Come in."

She walked in, closing the door behind her. Mihai stood behind the desk, a map nailed up on the wall behind him. A bottle of brandy and two glasses rested on his desk.

"Hello, Theresa."

"Hello, Mihai."

He studied her with an intense gaze.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Stephanie Burkhart is a 911 dispatcher for LAPD.  She was born and raised in Manchester, New Hampshire.  She served 11 years in the US Army and currently calls Castaic, California her home. Stephanie was married in Denmark in 1991 and has two young sons. She adores chocolate and is addicted to coffee.  She writes paranormal, contemporary, and steampunk romance and has two children's books published with 4RV Publishing.







Buy Links for The Wolf's Torment:


Stephanie Burkhart will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

14 commenti:

  1. The excerpt from the book is intriguing, and I want to know what happens.

  2. Thank you so much for having me here today. It's great to visit. I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Spring is just aroud the corner so I have to ask - what's the weather out your way?

    Romance Under the Moonlight

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt. Sounds like a good read.

  4. What a fabulous review. Congrats and many more wonderful reviews I'm sure to come!

  5. Thanks for the giveaway; love the excerpt. :)

  6. The cover is beautiful. Thanks for the review too.

  7. I love the excerpt, and the cover is beautiful! The books sounds interesting too. Thanks for the giveaway!

  8. The excerpt was interesting and the review was good too...probably would enjoy this book!

  9. Enjoyed reading your review, thank you!

  10. Congrats on the release of "The Wolf's Torment"
    The excerpt is intriguing, That book is next in the "Moldavian Moon". series?

    Mindy :)
