
sabato 21 marzo 2015

Blog Tour: The Escape By Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons

The Escape
Gumshoes & Grifters #0.5
By- Allana Kephart & Melissa Simmons
Genre- Mature YA/ Contemporary/Suspense / Thriller
Publication Date- February 1st, 2015

Run for your life…

Sixteen-year-old Claire McBride just witnessed a brutal murder at the hands of someone she knew, someone she thought she could trust. Now she’s alone, afraid and desperate to put as many miles as possible between herself and the killer. Seeing no other options, she flees her home town of Galena, leaving behind everything and everyone she’s ever held dear.

Run for your life…

Carter Emerson's whole world has come crashing down around him. He woke to the news his best friend, Claire has gone missing without a trace, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Finding out her car was abandoned in the busy city of Chicago, he and his brother can't help but fear the worst… With no solid suspects or leads, it looks like Carter’s worst nightmare could come true, and Claire’s disappearance may turn into a cold case.

Run for your life…

With the killer at her heels, Claire has no choice but to leave Carter in the dark. She can’t risk his safety just because she misses the sound of his voice… But will the run of Claire’s life be worth it in the end? Or will her past catch up with her no matter how hard she tries to escape it?

For a limited time only you can get the ebook for just 99 cents!!



I glance quickly through the stack of mail and see it’s mostly college informational packets and shopping catalogs, but hiding at the bottom is a letter from my Great Aunt Kate. Despite my current circumstances I feel a smile creep onto my face. Great Aunt Kate, or just Kate as she likes to be called, is really more of a grandmother to me. She raised my dad after his mom passed away from cancer when he was very young. She was just Kate to him, too. Her husband passed away when my dad was a baby, so it had always been just the two of them. Kate is, in my opinion, one of the coolest ladies ever born, and I can only hope to be half as remarkable as she is someday. She is my hero and has been since I was five years old, when she began to tell me stories about her early days as an investigative reporter for various newspapers and news magazines. You know, back when we had cool stuff like that.
Kate used to live in Chicago, which was close enough so that we saw her almost every weekend. Unfortunately, a few years ago she started having strange episodes; forgetting things and getting lost, and she was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. We begged her to come live with us and told her we’d get a nurse to come in and help care for her when it was needed, but she wouldn’t have it. Instead she decided to install herself in a nursing home back in her hometown of Boston. She refused to, in her words, ‘become a burden’ to us, no matter how we pleaded with her that we wanted her with us. She said she was born in Boston and she’d prefer if she died there as well. In the end, we honored her wishes. Not that she gave us a choice.
The envelope from Kate is a light, pastel purple, leading me to believe two things. One: she did not pick this out, and two: this is most likely a belated birthday card. Kate is drawn to bright and bold colors, so she wouldn’t be caught dead anywhere in the vicinity of pastels. I know she still has some good days now and then, and it looks like she woke up one morning, herself again, and asked one of her aides to send this missive to me. I feel tears prick my eyes as I open the envelope. Sure enough, a very cheerful balloon-festooned card wishes me a Happy 16th Birthday and inside there is a check made out to me for two hundred-fifty dollars. I sigh. It’s way too much, like always, but she’ll insist she can afford it. She always does. I can hear her voice in my head now, “It’s not like I can take it with me, darling. Now, hush and spend it all on something decadent. I insist.”
I sniffle and wish I could hug her. It’s been almost two years since I actually saw my surrogate grandmother. Longing fills me and I think, Why not? Liam doesn’t know anything about Kate. I might have to leave my parents and friends behind, but maybe I can keep some small part of my family close by me.
Watch the Trailer Here!


About the Authors-
Allana Kephart has been making things up and bending people to her will from a very young age.  She loves animals and reading and spends a large amount of time thinking up ways to torment her characters. She shares a brain, a love of coffee and the color purple with her alter ego/best friend/co-author, Melissa Simmons.
Melissa Simmons is an avid reader who married her soul mate and is the proud mother of a spoiled cat.  She spends her days helping promote independent authors and doing what the voices in her head tell her to. She shares a brain, a love of coffee and the color purple with her alter ego/best friend/co-author, Allana Kephart.
The Dolan Prophecies Series Blog-

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