
lunedì 15 febbraio 2016

Review & Giveaway: Playing Catch by Rachelle Ayala

On the field and off the field, bartender Jeanine Jewell plays, collecting one-night stands like baseball cards. She doesn’t need a man, except to curl her toes and make her scream. She’s learned the hard way that the one who cares more is the one who gets hurt—and the last thing she can handle is getting hurt, or having anyone discover her shameful secret.

Scoring women is easy for catcher Kirk Kennedy—they don’t call him “Catch and Release” for nothing. He never goes back for a repeat performance. Being traded to a new city is an opportunity for new adventures—until he runs into Jeanine and she refuses to go home with him. Intrigued, Kirk is determined to catch the elusive blonde and keep her to himself. When he proposes a wingman to wingwoman friends without benefits relationship, he’s surprised she accepts.

The no benefits clause soon falls by the wayside when neither Jeanine or Kirk can resist their explosive chemistry together. But despite the sparks between the sheets, they both refuse to acknowledge they’re anything more than friends.

Everything changes when Kirk discovers his past is the one Jeanine is hiding from.

Trigger Warning: The heroine was sexually abused by her foster father and has flashbacks.

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"A truly extraordinary story that fearlessly demonstrates the transforming power and the breathless wonder that love can bring to a life in need.” - Amber on Goodreads

"I couldn't put down this serious story about love overcoming all." - Chantel on Goodreads

My Review

It 's a very sexy romance, funny,romantic, touching but also very strong. From the first pages it  has caught my attention and I could not put it down. There are many twists, secrets, serious problems to be solved and some really touching scenes. The two protagonists are awesome and together they make a really explosive couple, the chemistry between them is magical.
Jeanine and Kirk had a very difficult past and want relationships to be just a night and on. They so avoid suffering again. Jeanine is a strong woman and stubborn, has only 21 years and is already the owner of her busisness. Kirk is a great baseball player. The evening which sees Jeanine, Kirk is immediately attracted to her and to her refusal knows that he must have her by force. But he's very honest with her, informs her that is not a type capable of committing. He remains very amazed when he discovers that she wants a little challenging relationship too. But when their hearts are touched, gradually they begin to open and the torments come out of their souls.
The most interesting aspect of this book was to see, page after page, change and evolve the two protagonists. Helping each other, they have tried to heal their wounds and tried to join in building a peaceful future.
It 's written wonderfully well, she has faced with tact and delicacy very hard and strong themes and wrote a very special novel.
For those who love  romance it is a must read.

About the author
Rachelle Ayala is a bestselling Asian American author of dramatic romantic suspense and humorous, sexy contemporary romances. Her heroines are feisty and her heroes hot. She writes emotionally challenging stories but believes in the power of love and hope. 

Rachelle is the founder of an online writing group, Romance in a Month, an active member of the California Writer’s Club, Fremont Chapter, and a volunteer for the World Literary Cafe. She is a very happy woman and lives in California with her husband. She has won awards in multicultural and historical romance.

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I received this book to review through Beck Valley Books Book Tours, all the opinions above are 100% my own.

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Ending on Sunday 28th February at 11.59pm EST

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3 commenti:

  1. Cetainly sounds like a book that will keep you hooked.

  2. Hi Mave, thank you so much for the review. I'm so glad you enjoyed Kirk and Jeanine's story. It was quite a journey, but so worth it.

  3. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
