
lunedì 19 ottobre 2015

Review & Giveaway: Wicked Wager by Beverley Eikli

Wicked Wager
by Beverley Eikli


GENRE: Historical Romantic Intrigue




A dissolute rake, a virtuous lady, a ruthless society beauty, and a missing plantation owner with secrets – just another day in Georgian England


Wealthy Jamaican plantation owner, Harry Carstairs has disappeared – and everyone wants to know where he is…

Celeste Rosington knows her place in society, and while she may not be overjoyed at her upcoming wedding to her detached cousin, Raphael, she nonetheless hopes the marriage will be successful. When Raphael asks her for her help to save Harry, she agrees. But her decision costs her more than she knows…

Celeste’s clandestine visit to Harry’s home is witnessed, and her connection to Harry misconstrued. Harry’s secrets put Celeste into more danger than even Raphael understands, and throws her into the path of the ruthless, cunning, beautiful Lady Busselton and the dissolute, dangerous Lord Peregrine.

Raphael is invested in keeping Harry alive. Lady Busselton is invested in keeping him quiet. Lord Peregrine is invested in anything that staves off boredom. And Celeste is becoming increasingly invested in Lord Peregrine.

After all, what resistance does an innocent young woman have against something so deliciously wicked?


My Review:

This novel caught me from the first page, there are so many mysteries and intrigues to reveal that left me turning the pages, eager to know what was going to happen next.
Lord Peregrine is attracted to Xena, wants only her. When she asked him to woo the girl who was the ruin of his sister accepts just because she asked him and  to avenge his sister. But soon the angelic face of the girl will win his heart. Celeste Rosington is a sweet, naive girl that found herself involved in an unfortunate misunderstanding without any guilt. She was found half-dressed with Harry Carstairs, boyfriend of Charlotte, sister of Lord Peregrine. Harry has disappeared and can not defend the girl. Celeste has always been  promisedto her cousin, but discovers that he is in love with another woman and does not want to marry him. She thinks to have the right to marry a man who loves her. But unfortunately she is forced to stay with him, especially after the scandal, no one would want  her more. But when she meets Lord Peregrine, she sees in him the right person to save her and to take away her heart.
It 's written really well, with a pace, fast, smooth and even, the plot is exciting with so many intrigues and twists.
It's the second book I read of this author and I like so much her historical novels full of romance but also mystery and adventure. I can not wait to read something else
I definitely recommend this one especially for those who love historical novels veiled in mystery and set in Georgian era.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Publisher via NetGalley for the purpose of providing an honest review.



Setting the Scene: Lord Peregrine sets out to ensnare the woman who has intrigued him.

‘You appear lost, Miss Rosington? No chaperone? Perhaps you’d allow me to return you to your friends, though being alone in my company for even those few seconds might be dangerous. I would strongly warn you against it.’

A hanging lantern revealed the now familiar face of the gentleman she’d met earlier, cast in shadows and planes, his admiration apparent. It thrilled her, forbidden though it was. Of course she should smile politely, to soften her rebuttal, then take a few steps into the light towards Raphael.

Instead she said softly, ‘Sometimes a dangerous offer is too tempting to resist—if it were but for a moment.’ Such words had never issued from her mouth and she trembled violently as she observed the surprise with which he offered her his arm.

‘Ten steps to the left would have you amidst the milling crowd and is where I strongly suggest I lead you.’ He paused, his voice suddenly husky. ‘However, I can recommend a pleasant detour with little more than ten steps into the darkness in the opposite direction. It would be dangerous to choose this direction, but it’s the one I strongly favour.’

For a moment common sense swept aside her rash daring, for what possible reason could he have for leading her to a secluded part of the gardens than to take liberties that, if discovered, could ruin her?

She was not such a fool.

But oh, she was tempted.

Unable to make a clear decision, she wavered. ‘Why are you always at my shoulder, sir? I could almost imagine you are following me.’

‘And why should that come as a surprise to the most beautiful woman in the gardens tonight? I thought it when you turned and gazed at me at the opera on Thursday. When you’d gone I believed I must have imagined such luminescence. Now my eyes assure me I did not.’

‘A very pretty speech, sir. Do you use it on all the ladies?’

‘Only those whose acquaintance I wish to further. You are not … attached to that gentlemen with whom I saw you earlier? I might think your beauty unrivalled but I am not a libertine. I would wish to know if you are free to bestow your attentions upon me.’

She hesitated for the merest second before replying quickly, ‘Raphael is my cousin. He often accompanies me to such places.’ She tilted her head to smile at him. Artless and encouraging, and Peregrine felt a curious surge of excitement, but disappointment too. For she had lied to him. By omission, at any rate.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Beverley Eikli wrote her first romance when she was seventeen but discovered that killing her heroine on the last page was death to her burgeoning romance writing career.

She became a journalist, occupied for many years with life’s newsworthy - but often, unhappy - events until romance finally trumped after she met a handsome Norwegian bush pilot around a camp fire in Botswana’s beautiful Okavango Delta where she was running a safari lodge for a couple of months.

Unhappily, Beverley was due to return home the following day to marry her Australian boyfriend.

Happily, though, that fell through and after a whirlwind eight-month courtship based on regular 18-page letters between Botswana and South Australia, Beverley returned to live with her handsome Norwegian bush pilot in a thatched cottage in the middle of a mopane forest beside a flood plain of lurking wild animals, marrying her handsome bush pilot in Norway shortly afterwards.

Twenty happy years—and 12 countries later—Beverley is now back in Australia living a more conventional life with her husband, two daughters and a Rhodesian Ridgeback puppy the size of a pony in a pretty country town an hour north of Melbourne.

She writes traditional Regency romance as Beverley Eikli and sensual historical romance as Beverley Oakley.




Beverley will be awarding $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 commenti:

  1. Thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm so pleased you liked it. :)

  2. Great excerpt, thank you for the giveaway!

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt, thanks for sharing it and the review, sounds like a great book!

  4. Thanks Danielle, Rita and Eva. And now the plot thickens. :)
