
lunedì 17 agosto 2015

Review & Giveaway: Wedding Matilda by Heather Hiestand

Wedding Matilda
by Heather Hiestand



Sugared violets, buttercream…but he craves her kiss most of all…

Orphaned as a boy, Ewan Hales is proud to make his living as secretary to the manager at Redcake’s Tea Shop. But the startling news that he’s heir to the Earl of Fitzwalter changes everything. While tendering his resignation to lovely Matilda Redcake, however, Ewan is struck by her spirit, the luscious bow of her lips—and a realization. Matilda might not marry a working man—but will she wed a future nobleman?

Ewan’s unruly hair and roguish kisses are tempting, but Matilda has far too many problems to consider romance. With sabotage at a cake factory threatening the family empire, she must focus her considerable willpower on keeping Redcake’s from ruin—until she learns that her young son has been kidnapped. Together, she and Ewan must uncover the truth before they can savor the sweet freedom of love…


My Review:

This book is really enjoyable to read: is sweet, romantic with  strong and well-built plot, captivating and believable characters. This series of historical novels is really original, revolves around the Redcake Tea Shop. It's the first historical book that I read about cake shop. I really enjoyed this new historical aspect. I never read books set in the nineteenth century that talks so much about cakes.
Ewan is the secretary of the manager of Redcake Tea Shop. For him it is a great success to have come to this role: is an orphan boy, who grew up in boarding school with the little money that his father had left before disappearing in Africa. But he discovers to be an heir to the Earl of Fitzwalter: from now his life changes forever. Matilda is fighting hard to save the Redcake, her family business. She made a mistake that changed her life forever and has compromised her future as happy wife. After initial antipathy, Matilda and Ewan are discovered very attracted to each other but the woman tries to resist, has responsibilities and can not give in to passion

Matilda and Ewan are a really well-matched pair, they complement each other. I love their first encounter, is so funny.
It's the sixth book in this series, but can be read as a stand alone. I can not wait to read the five previous books and know some other product of this wonderful Tea Shop.
Highly recommended, especially for those who love historical and romantic novels and books about desserts.



Matilda knew Mr. Hales was the spider at the center of a web of information about Redcake’s.

The man himself had his back to her, one finger on a row of figures in an open ledger and the other on a typewriter key. She had no idea how to operate such a machine, but it did make reports easier to read, so she had insisted that her own secretary, her cousin Greggory Redcake, learn to operate one.

“Mr. Hales?” she inquired.

The finger went up in the air in a request for silence. Her eyebrows lifted. When had the man become so imperious? He probably thought she was a cakie, the Redcake’s name for waitresses. Still, she’d have expected him to be more charming. Her sister Alys said he was notorious for relationships among Redcake’s female employees, having worked his way through accounting, the Fancy, and the bakery staff.

His finger moved down the row of neatly printed numbers in the ledger. The keys clicked a few times. A pause. He turned a page in the ledger and repeated the sequence.

“Mr. Hales,” she tried again.

His fingers stopped moving, pinched around the page he was turning. His back stiffened as he slowly resumed his page turn. His other hand left the keys and he swiveled his chair around.


He remained cold. No little bow, no small obsequious smile, as she had seen from him in the past. His hair had been mussed, she now realized.

Didn’t he recognize her? “I’m Matilda Redcake.”

Her announcement brought no change in his demeanor. “I know who you are, Miss Redcake.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Heather Hiestand was born in Illinois, but her family migrated west before she started school. Since then she has claimed Washington State as home, except for a few years in California. She wrote her first story at age seven and went on to major in creative writing at the University of Washington. Her first published fiction was a mystery short story, but since then it has been all about the many flavors of romance. Heather’s first published romance short story was set in the Victorian period, and she continues to return, fascinated by the rapid changes of the nineteenth century. The author of many novels, novellas, and short stories, she has achieved best-seller status at Amazon and Barnes and Noble. With her husband and son, she makes her home in a small town and supposedly works out of her tiny office, though she mostly writes in her easy chair in the living room.

For more information, visit Heather’s website at Heather loves to hear from readers! Her email is

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Heather Hiestand will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 commenti:

  1. I enjoyed reading the excerpt from the book, and the cover is lovely.

  2. Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win :)

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt. Thank you for the giveaway!

  4. Sounds like a good book. I like that it's set in a tea shop.

  5. Great excerpt~thank you for sharing!

  6. Great post! Sounds like an awesome series.. I really enjoyed reading the excerpt and your review. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. I LOVE the Redcake series!! So happy this is coming out!

  8. I enjoyed reading the excerpt and look forward to reading this book!
