
martedì 17 settembre 2019

Review& Giveaway: The Garden Club Murder by Amy Patricia Meade

The Garden Club Murder 

(A Tish Tarragon Mystery) 

by Amy Patricia Meade

About The Garden Club Murder

Cozy Mystery 
2nd in Series 
Severn House Publishers (September 1, 2019) 
Hardcover: 208 pages 
ISBN-10: 0727889443 
ISBN-13: 978-0727889447 

Literary caterer Letitia ‘Tish’ Tarragon is preparing her English Secret Garden-themed luncheon for Coleton Creek’s annual garden club awards, but when she is taken on a tour of some of the top contenders with the garden club’s president, Jim Ainsley, Tish is surprised at how seriously the residents take the awards – and how desperate they are to win.
Wealthy, retired businessman Sloane Shackleford has won the coveted best garden category five years in a row, but he and his Bichon Frise, Biscuit, are universally despised. When Sloane’s bludgeoned body is discovered in his pristine garden, Tish soon learns that he was disliked for reasons that go beyond his green fingers. Have the hotly contested awards brought out a competitive and murderous streak in one of the residents?
My Review
I really liked The Garden Club Murder, it's so addictive and suspenseful that it's really hard to put it down. I especially loved the setting and the descriptions of the gardens, really fascinating and welcoming, ideal for spending relaxing afternoons reading a book.
Tish is preparing a garden-themed lunch at the annual competition for the best garden, everyone wants to beat the award-winning and hateful Sloane Shackleford. When he is found killed no one is so sorry and the main suspects are his rivals. Tish with her friend Jules will try to help solve the mystery.
I loved the character of Tish, she is a person who knows how to listen and inspires confidence so everyone confides their secrets to her that she refers to the sheriff to help him solve the case.
A mystery that combines gardens, cuisine and books is impossible not to love. The plot is well developed, there are many clever clues and lots of twists. The author's style is very descriptive and full of humor, really a pleasure to read
It can be read as standalone even though it is the second book in the series.

Highly recommended

About Amy Patricia Meade

Author of the critically acclaimed Marjorie McClelland Mysteries, Amy Patricia Meade is a native of Long Island, NY where she cut her teeth on classic films and books featuring Nancy Drew and Encyclopedia Brown.
After stints as an Operations Manager for a document imaging company and a freelance technical writer, Amy left the bright lights of New York City and headed north to pursue her creative writing career amidst the idyllic beauty of Vermont’s Green Mountains.
Now residing in Bristol, England, Amy spends her time writing mysteries with a humorous or historical bent. When not writing, Amy enjoys traveling, testing out new recipes, classic films, and exploring her new home.
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