
mercoledì 11 gennaio 2017

Retellings Reading Challenge 2017

I am signing up for this one again! I didn't get to read any retellings in 2016 but I have a lot on my shelf! 

Challenge details:

Dates: January 1 - December 31, 2017

Host: Once Upon a Bookcase
Sign Up Here!

The Challenge:

  • For readers to read retellings of stories we know well from their chosen level in 2016:
    • Easy: 1-4 retellings
    • Medium: 5-8 retellings
    • Hard: 9-12 retellings
    • Difficult: 12+ retellings

The Rules:
  • You must sign up to the challenge below.
  • You must share your thoughts/reviews on the retellings you read for the book to count. You can post anywhere: your blog, YouTube, Instagram, Goodreads, Amazon, Tumblr, etc.
  • As you review the books, update the monthly link up post with a link to your review. This is important, as each book you review will be an entry into that month’s giveaway.
  • You can sign up any time between now and 31st December 2017.
  • Use the hashtag #RetellingsRC2017 so we can follow your participation in the challenge!
Which Books Count:
  • You can read retellings of any of the following (if I’ve left anything out, please let me know!):
    • Classics & Children’s Classics
    • Fairy Tales
    • Myths and Legends
    • Folk Tales
    • Retellings of real, well known people’s lives – I.E. Becoming Jane by Kevin Hood about a young Jane Austen, and And I Darken by Kirsten White, a gender bent retelling of Vald Dracul’s teen years, both count
    • I will also accept origin stories/prequels/sequels – I.E. Dorothy Must Die series by Danielle Paige is a sequel series to The Wizard of Oz, Heartless by Marissa Meyer is a prequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, the origin story of the Queen of Hearts, and both would count.
    • Reimaginings that aren’t strict retellings would also count – I.E. Kody Keplinger’s novels Shut Out and A Midsummer’s Nightmare are both reimaginings, the first of the Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, and the second of Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream, both of which would count.
  • You can read any retellings you want, they do not need to be recent releases to count.
  • Feel free to re-read any retellings! They will also count, as long as you review them somewhere.
  • All age categories are accepted; middle grade/young fiction, YA, NA, adult.
  • All books count; physical books, audiobooks, eBooks.
  • ARCs/Proofs count, as do self-published books.
To Sign Up:
  • Write a blog post/page, record a video, or upload a photo to Instagram about your participation in the challenge. This is important, you must do this. (If you’re using Goodreads, Amazon, or any other platform that doesn’t allow you to do this, in the link up below, just link to your public profile.)
  • If you wish, in that post/page/video you can compile a list of retellings that you hope to read and review for the challenge – but this isn’t compulsory. Also, the titles you list do not have to be set in stone. If you’d like some inspiration, Goodreads has a number of lists on retellings you can browse.
  • Comment below to say you’re signing up. (I’m having issues with link-ups at the moment. There will be proper link-up widgets for each month from January, but for now, comment, and I’ll add you to this post. Sorry for the inconvenience.) If you have a blog/channel/Instagram, please make sure the link you add goes directly to your sign up post/page/video/photo and you mention your blog/channel/Insta name/screen name. If you’re participating via Goodreads or Amazon, etc, please put your “screename @ platform” – I.E. If I was participating via Goodreads, I would put “Jo @ Goodreads”.

I am going to sign up for hard (9-12 retellings).

What I am currently planning to read:

1. Ella Enchanted - Gail Carson Levine
2. The Goose Girl - Shannon Hale
3. Stardust - Neil Gaiman
4. Princess Academy - Shannon Hale
5. Splintered - A.G.Howard

6. Longbourn - Jo Baker
7. Beastly - Alex Flinn
8. The Two Princesses of Bamarre -Gail Carson Levine
9. Daughter of the Forest - Juliet Marillier
10. Cinder - Marissa Meyer
11. The Book of Lost Things - John Connolly
12. Alice in Zombieland - Gena Showalter

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