
mercoledì 31 agosto 2016

Review & Giveaway: Sinners & Saints: A Patriot's Manifesto by Kristina Garlick

Sinners & Saints: A Patriot's Manifesto
by Kristina Garlick


GENRE: Fantasy/Young Adult



My name is Zoey Major and I live in Fort Star, New Jersey. I am also a survivor in the zombie apocalypse. Seems very cut and dry but I have been hiding something- like really huge. My secret is game changing. I am not like the others... I know, what a surprise twist! Unfortunately, I can’t tell you why I am different. If you really want to know, you have to figure it out. Hey, even in these dark times, a girl needs her secrets.

My Review:

It was an interesting and compelling read, I had some initial difficulties to get used to the style of this novel but after it caught me.
The United States were invaded and destroyed by zombies. Zoey has a secret and is the only salvation for the world. Will she succeed?
The style of this novel is very special, a mixture of diary and play. It's written in first person by Zoey's POV and the dialogues are written as if it are a play. It's the first time I read a book written with this style and after the initial difficulties I really enjoyed it.
The characters are well defined and likeable. Zoey is a great heroine, unable to accept that her country has disappeared and struggles for its rebirth. I also loved Catey, Zoey's friend, and her dark humor. 
The plot is clever, engaging and well developed, the pace is good: an enjoyable read



United we... united we... we were supposed to stand together as a society but it did not work out like that. The United States and much of the world, actually went to sh*t for a little bit when the zombies came. Perhaps the only saving grace was the fact that man learns to adapt. We always do. A prime example would be the invention of the wheel, the television or even a toaster pastry because why the f*ck not eat something bad for you?

For you see, if man has a want or desire, it may take years, but he'll invent it. One thing I am still waiting on is that damn time machine. I am looking at you, Doc Brown. Ha! However, not all inventions should ever leave the paper. Sometimes an idea is just an idea as biological weapons rarely ever make anything better. Yeah, perhaps not every weapon should be tested or even used, as the results can't always be contained. United we... united we... we were supposed to stand together.

Present Day, June 30, 10:25 pm

Catey: "So is it cool that I sign you up for speed dating?"
Zoey: "What? No, f*ck no."
Catey: "Why not?"
Zoey: "There should be no speed dating in the zombie apocalypse."
Catey: "It's post apocalypse so get it right."
Zoey: "For now."
Catey: "And this is why you are single. You are so negative."
Zoey: "Huh, I didn't know that was the reason. I just thought it was because every eligible bachelor who isn't a toad has been either taken or eaten but hey, maybe I am wrong."
Catey: "I think it's because you put up a wall."
Zoey: "Stop analyzing me, or at the very least give me a Rorschach test or at the very least a crossword puzzle to pass the time then."


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Kristina Garlick lives in Warren County, New Jersey. She holds a Masters in Parks & Resource Management from Slippery Rock University. While she loves the outdoors and has many hobbies such as soap making, writing has always been her passion. Kristina wrote her first full length fantasy story at ten and had her first book published when she was fourteen. She has a unique style of writing, which she calls Diary-Play format. Kristina is also available for book signings, panels, discussion groups and other special functions.

Website: (Where you can buy Kristina’s Books)
Twitter: @KristinaGarlick



Kristina Garlick will be awarding a $15 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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