
martedì 5 aprile 2016

Review & Giveaway: Her Safe Harbor by Holly Bush

Her Safe Harbor
by Holly Bush


GENRE: Historical Romance



1893 . . . Jennifer Crawford, the peacekeeper in a well-to-do Boston family rife with anger, deceit, and even treachery,  was born to solve mathematical mysteries at a time when women are only beginning to venture from home and into the world of commerce and politics. Beautiful and shy, she struggles to find the courage to face a scheming mother and guide a father denying their familial dysfunction, hesitant to traverse the volatile economics banks are facing at the turn of the twentieth century. But danger threatens when she discovers the crimes of an abusive man determined to make Jennifer his own.

Zebidiah Moran, chief of staff for a new senator in Washington, is determined to uncover the lovely Jennifer’s secrets and guard her from danger. But will his sacrifices be enough to keep her safe?


My Review:

It 's a historical novel short but very exciting, moving that deals with a sensitive and unfortunately still relevant issue, men's violence against women.
Jennifer is a shy girl but very intelligent that tries to get space in a world dominated by men. While her sisters are happily married, she tries to help her father run the family bank and to reject her boyfriend, Jeffrey. She doesn't love him, he's chosen for her by her mother. She doesn't want to marry him, but doesn't want to create a scandal that could damage her family. Jeffrey becomes very violent when Jennifer tries to contradict him and even get to beat her. When her sister Jolene returns home for a short holiday she realizes that something is wrong with Jennifer. The same notices Zebediah, a charming man who works at Jolene's husband and escorted the woman and her family on the trip. Zeb is determined to save her from this violent man and from a very unhappy marriage.
All the characters are well developed and lovable, except for Jennifer's mother. She is not aware of the suffering and the pain of her daughter and tries to manipulate her life, as she did with her sisters. Jennifer is a strong woman, who suffers in silence, must fight with the violence of Jeffrey but also against the hostility and indifference of her parents. In Zeb she finds  a safe haven, a rock to cling to in order not to sink into the abyss of despair. Zeb is the man who all would like to have at your side in times of need: strong, self-confident, protective, sweet.
It's the third book in the series "Crawford Family", can be read as stand alone but I recommend reading the series in order to  understand better the relationships and the dynamics of Crawford family.
It 's really well written, the plot flows wonderfully and a page leads to another, it's really hard to put it down before the end.
Highly recommended for those who love historical romances.




The carriage rolled to a stop at a discreet side door on the massive stone building that was the Crawford Bank, and her father stepped out. “Take Miss Crawford to the lobby.”

Jennifer pulled her gloves tight as they rounded the corner and then accepted the doorman’s help down the two carriage steps. She drew herself up as she’d seen Jolene and her mother do on so many occasions, straightening her back, and slowly turning her head from side to side. Gentlemen stopped on either side of the dark carpet that went the entire way to the bank’s marble foundation.

The doorman nodded and opened the door for her to enter. “Good morning, Miss Crawford.”

Snow had begun to swirl around her, sprinkling white on her dark blue walking coat and velvet hat, the pheasant feather dipping with each step. The men who had stopped to let her pass were tipping their hats or removing them.

“Good morning, McAtee! It is a lovely morning, even with this wretched snow.”

“Let me hold my umbrella over you so you don’t get wet,” a young man shouted, and received laughter in reply from the men around him.

“Thank you, but I’m almost inside,” she said, and tossed her dark blond curls over her shoulder as she smiled brightly at the man holding his umbrella out to her like an offering.

Jennifer entered the bank with a nod to the doorman.

“She smiled at you, boyo,” another man said to the man holding the umbrella. “Lucky dog, you.”

“She did,” he replied, still staring at the now closed bank door. “She did.”

“I time my mornings to be just here when she arrives,” the man said. “’Twas a dreadful stretch when she was away. I thought I’d right died when she come back.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Holly Bush writes historical romance set in the the late 1800’s, in Victorian England, and recently released her first Women’s Fiction title. Her books are described as emotional, with heartfelt, sexy romance. She makes her home with her husband in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.  Connect with Holly at and on Twitter @hollybushbooks and on Facebook at Holly Bush.




Holly Bush will be awarding a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

11 commenti:

  1. Good morning and thank you for the lovely review! I'll stop back later to gab about books!

  2. Looking forward to gabbing. Is there ever a book you wanted to ride but could not?

    1. I've always wabted to read some Henry James but have never done so. It's on my bucket list!

  3. Thanks for sharing this giveaway with us. Your book sounds like a great read.

  4. Great excerpt and thanks for sharing your review. Sounds like a great book :)

  5. This book sounds great and I would love to read it.ty

  6. This sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing.

  7. This sounds interesting, would like to read the series.
