
martedì 12 gennaio 2016

Review & Giveaway: Wildflowers of Montana Series by Vanessa Vale

Wildflowers of Montana Series
by Vanessa Vale


GENRE: Erotic historical western



Follow the eight Lenox sisters through this historical erotic series that's as big and bold as the Montana Sky. 


Rose Lenox has grown up to be more comfortable on the back of a horse than wearing ribbons and bows like her seven adopted sisters. For years working the land was enough, but lately Rose finds herself wishing for something different. She wants her own ranch and freedom from her overwhelming and unorthodox family. Rose is determined to strike out on her own and forge her own path. Lenox neighbor, Chance Goodman, has watched Rose grow from a spitfire of a girl to a beautiful and fiery woman. For years he's waited patiently and watched her struggle to find her place in the world. When she leaves the Lenox ranch alone, determined to abandon her former life and to say good-bye to him, he knows the time has come to claim her. Letting her walk away isn't an option. Chance knows exactly what she needs...and he's going to give it to her. Follow the eight Lenox sisters through this historical erotic series that's as big and bold as the Montana Sky. The Wildflowers of Montana begins with Rose and her hot, Alpha cowboy.


When handsome Jackson Reed comes home from the army, he catches the immediate attention of the seven Lenox daughters. But he only has eyes for one — beautiful Hyacinth Lenox. It's apparent that she notices him as well, so why is she doing everything she can to avoid him?

Hyacinth can't stop thinking about the sandy-haired newcomer, but while she longs for happiness with Jackson, she feels unworthy to marry him or anyone else. Guilt from a tragic childhood incident dogs her even into adulthood, leaving her to feel undeserving of Jackson's love.

But Jackson isn't a man so easily dissuaded. He's determined to rid Hyacinth of her pain and make her his wife. Can he heal her past hurt and awaken her to the carnal pleasures he wants just with her? He senses a great capacity for love and passion in this fair Lenox flower. Unlocking it will mean a battle of wills, but love is worth the fight.

Follow the eight Lenox sisters through this historical erotic series that's as big and bold as the Montana Sky. The Wildflowers of Montana continues with Hyacinth and her sharpshooting hero.


My Review:


It's a passionate, erotic but also romantic novel with two great character and a good plot.
Rose grew up on a ranch No Montana with her seven adopted sisters. They were saved from a fire in Chicago and not knowing their names have nominated them as the flowers. She loves her life on the ranch and prefers pants to body and lacework. But she would love to have a property of her own. The only regret is leaving her neighbor Chance, the only man who ever made her heart beat. He has always been attracted to Rose but has resisted to wait until she was ready. When Rose is in trouble he comes to her rescue. Will Chance be able to dominate this rebel woman?
The chemistry between Rose and Chance is amazing and they are a perfectly matched couple: she is a stubborn, passionate and independent woman, he is a strong and charming male, the only one able to to dominate her.
It's a short but very intense romance. It 's really well-written, I really like the style of this author, I'm curious to read all books in this series. 

If you like erotic romances with a good storyline this book is to be read


This was an enojoyable reading, short, floowing and very passionale.It captured my attention from beginning to the end. 
Hyacinth is one of eight orphan raised in a remote ranch in Montana and each one has a flower name. All of her sisters  are attracted to Jackson, their fascinating neighbor just returned from the army. But he  wants only Hyacinth. She is very attracted to him but rejects him. She doen't believe to deserve happiness. Will he persuade her?
Jackson and Hyacinth are both very troubled and tormented. He always has tremendous nightmares, he can not forgive himself and forget the atrocities he had committed in the war. She has lost her best friend Jane and feels guilty for being alive and she didn't. She doesn't deserve to be happy. Together they are a magical couple with a great chemistry.
The story is narrated by Hyacinth that makes the story much more engaging.
This is the second in the Wildflower Series of Montana but I don't believe it is essential to have read the first to enjoy this one (but both are good stories, so why not read them both?)
Vanessa Vale is really a great find, I look forward to reading other books written by her, in addition to end this series.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys erotic, westerns and historical romances.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

#1 Amazon Bestseller in Erotic Western and Historical Erotica

Who doesn't love the romance of the old West? Vanessa Vale takes the sensual appeal of rugged cowboys a step further with her bestselling books set in the Montana Territory. They are much more than just sexy historical westerns. By introducing sexual taboos into this otherwise traditional romantic setting, Vanessa has won the loyalty of a fan base that never knows quite what to expect with each new series.

"Montana Maidens" was the first to push the envelope with strong BDSM themes. "Montana Men" followed suit with softer themes but lots of deliciously graphic sex. "The Bridgewater Series" showcases ménage relationships because sometimes one hot cowboy isn't enough. No-holds-barred, graphic descriptions, strong storytelling, engaging characters and breathtaking landscapes all combine to make very naughty reads.

And as a resident of Wild Wild West, Vanessa Vale finds plenty of inspiration for her work, for who doesn't love a handsome cowboy?

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Prizes for the tour are as follows:
• One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

11 commenti:

  1. I don't usually go for historical romance but these books sound so good I gotta read them.

  2. Love the two steamy hot covers you've shown above. Congrats on the book releases.

  3. Love historical. Thanks for the giveaway as well! Sue M. Van/Haven Malone

  4. Great post! Sounds like an awesome series, I'm looking forward to reading each of the books :)

  5. This sounds like a terrific series and I love the names!

  6. This looks like a great series. Thanks for the giveaway.

  7. I appreciate the reviews!


  8. Both stories sound great. I like reading westerns.

  9. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!
