
lunedì 1 febbraio 2016

Review & Giveaway: Loves of our Lives by A.C. Chenier

Loves of our Lives
by A.C. Chenier


GENRE: Romance



For Katie Benjamin, finding the perfect soul mate was just a fairy tale until a chance encounter on a train changes everything. What she discovers takes her on a journey that spans lifetimes.

My Review:

It's a romance very charming and interesting, I loved the theory of Dr. Weiss on soul mates.
Katie has discovered a passion for the study of the soul and reincarnation, thanks to her friend Marie. They spend many afternoons talking about books of  DR Weiss and to compare their opinions. But her husband Ward is not strongly agree because it steals time to their relationship. Katie is already very out of house because of her new work in center. Katie wants more help for household chores but Ward doesn't help at all. To brighten her days thinks a very nice guy that meets every day on the train going to and coming back from work. He was recently moved and she discovers also that he works in her own palace. And if he was her true soul mate?
It is addictive and a total page turner, the pace is very fast and smooth thanks to very short sentences. The plot is well constructed and intrigued and characters are warm and charming.
I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to all fans of contemporary romance, especially those who like like romantic and spiritual stories



“I want you to think about some things over the next few days and weeks. I want you to clearly look inside yourself and ask what it is you want, not what anyone else wants or expects from you. Meditate on it. Pray on it, if that works for you. But make sure that any action you do or do not take is based on what is right and good for you. Not Katie. But the real and true you. You’re starting to see her in your life on a daily basis. Talk to her. Find out what she wants you to do. Then follow through on your heart and soul decision. Only then can you know that what you are doing is right for you, the true you. Not Catherine, not Elinor, not Katie, or any other human body you have inhabited. Do what is right for the authentic and real you.”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

I am a CPA, CGA and live in Southern Ontario. After working for many years in the high pressure worlds of banking and IT, I decided that it was time to have a change in pace. Leaving Toronto behind I embarked on a new career in retail sales. The change was wonderful, but I felt something was missing.

Then, the unthinkable happened, and I was widowed at 46. That was a truly life altering experience. In time, I was introduced to the books and work of Dr. Brian Weiss. I discovered in his research a new purpose in life, and was driven to start writing, something I had always enjoyed, but never thought of as a career choice.

And now here we are in 2015, and my first novel is ready to be published. My second, also in the Past Lives series, will follow shortly.  I continue to write and dream of a future that I had never even considered in my wildest dreams.




The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

2 commenti:

  1. Thanks you for hosting my book blast today. I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Dr Weiss's work was instrumental in me writing this novel, and the next one that I hope to publish by this summer.
