
martedì 29 dicembre 2015

Review & Giveaway: Up Close and Personal by Jody Vitek

Up Close and Personal
by Jody Vitek


GENRE: Contemporary Romance



Four years after losing her husband, Elizabeth Farefield’s mother-in-law still blames her for his death. Finding it difficult to move forward, she takes a Caribbean cruise to contemplate her future…bumping into the past.

Divorced for five years, Robert Burnhamwood is happy with his playboy ways until on a cruise, a chance meeting has him longing for something he hasn’t wanted since his first marriage...a monogamous relationship filled with love.

But when Robert’s youngest daughter retaliates against his new relationship, his oldest daughter takes up with a man against his wishes, and a rapist terrorizes her neighborhood putting his daughter at risk, a peaceful future with new found love may be beyond Elizabeth’s grasp.


My Review:

It 's a romantic and moving story about second chances in life and in love. The  protagonists have had two tragic and troubled stories but fate decides to give them a second chance: will exploit it?
Elizabeth lost her husband four years ago,  it was a happy marriage if you exclude the bad relationship with her mother-in-law. She always hated her and has even accused her of having caused the death of her son. After all these years she continues to torture Liz but she tries to withstand for her children Robert has been facing a difficult divorce and must manage his three children, especially Chris who does not accept the end of his marriage. In a Caribbean cruise Elizabeth and Robert know each other and fall in love. But upon returning home the problems begin: will they manage their children and their newborn love story?
All the characters are lovable and very realistic. Elizabeth has suffered a lot, really deserves to be happy in love. After the divorce, Robert became a playboy, he never had a serious story, only superficial and occasional relationships . But what he feels for Liz is very strong, makes him want to change his life and have a serious and lasting love story. The chemistry between them is special, they are perfect together.
This book is well written, it was a real treat and I loved every page.
I definitely recommend this one.



“I’m sorry. Excuse me.” The beverage she held sloshed around. She regarded the man as familiar.

“No, please forgive me. I was too absorbed by the ocean.” Taller than her five-eight height, the muscular arms that held her proved he was a man who took care of his body. She stared into pale green eyes and her gaze fell to his chin.

His features took on a quizzical appearance. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine. Thank you.” Her body froze in place.

“Liz?” He held her back by the arms. “Liz Farefield?”

With a mental shake of her head, she spoke. “Do I know you?” Her voice hitched.

“You resemble a woman I’ve met. Her name was Liz.” Releasing his hold, he stepped back. “I’m sorry,” he offered his hand, “Robert Burnhamwood. I believe we met at the opening of the Kids Kare Clinic. My firm, RB and Associates, designed it.”

Focusing more closely on Robert, her head tipped to the side as she recognized him. It was the cleft in his chin. “Yes, you’re right.” She nervously drank from her plastic glass.

Another man approached and presented his hand to Liz after handing Robert what appeared to be a beer. “Hi. Scott Jordan.”

He had jet-black hair with not a grey strand in sight. An olive skin tone gave him the appearance of Mediterranean descent.

“Liz Farefield,” she offered while shaking his hand. “Are you two traveling together?”


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Jody Vitek is a multi-published author with Satin Romance, an imprint of Melange Books, LLC. She has been a member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and Midwest Fiction Writers (MFW) since 2001 and is a Provisional PAN member of RWA.
Born and raised in Minnesota, Jody remains close to home living with her husband of twenty-five plus years, three children and a cat named Holly. Growing up, she enjoyed reading V.C. Andrews’ the Dollanganger series, starting with Flowers in the Attic, S.E. Hinton, and Stephen King to name a few. Today her tastes run across the board in fiction and non-fiction, in all genres.
She has traveled throughout the United States, to the Bahamas and Cancun, Mexico. Between watching her youngest son playing soccer, maintaining one of the many scrapbook albums, gardening and being the COO of the Vitek household, she writes contemporary romances.

Contacts and Links



Jody Vitek will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

20 commenti:

  1. Thank you for having me here today. I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I'd like to ask the visitors if they would ever consider living on a cruise ship? If yes, is there a particular location or area you'd like to cruise? My answer: YES, I'd love to live on a cruise ship. As for a particular area, there isn't one. I'd love to travel the world via cruise ship. If I'd have to choose one area, I'd have to pick the southern hemisphere where it's warm.

  2. I liked the excerpt and the review, thank you. Sounds like a great book!

  3. What a short but interesting excerpt. thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway! I like the excerpt. :)

  5. I enjoyed the excerpt - sounds like a good read. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. Good luck, Lisa, and thank you for visiting.

  7. What a great review, sounds like a real interesting book, thanks for an awesome chance to win....

  8. I enjoyed the excerpt! Thank you for sharing.
