
lunedì 8 giugno 2015

Review & Giveaway: Her Heart's Liege by Olivia Fields

Her Heart’s Liege
by Olivia Fields



Tomboy Alex Bonham has fought her male peers tooth and nail to prove herself worthy to become captain of the king’s guard. When her country is invaded by Danes, she is ordered to take the king’s younger son, a charming but irresponsible rake, away from the front lines for safekeeping.

Alex walks a difficult line, trying to balance her growing attraction to Prince Holden with her dedication to duty and her responsibility to keep him safe from robbers, Danes...and even himself. But when they are drawn into the struggle to defend East Anglia from occupation, both the prince and his captain must grow. Can spoiled Prince Holden evolve into a good man who could lead the kingdom--one Alex can trust with her heart?


My Review:

It was a pleasant read, light, fun, adventurous and romantic with a very strong female character.
Alex is a royal guard, one of the most talented even if she is a woman and for this is assigned a very delicate task. Their reign is about to be attacked by the Danes and the king wants to save his youngest son: it is not able to fight and in case he and the crown prince are killed the kingdom will still have an heir. Prince Holden is a spoiled boy, capricious, passing time conceiving illegitimate children. Alex, along with another guard Carl, must accompany undercover the prince to a safe destination. The first stages of their escape will not be at all easy: Holden find every possible way to get into trouble. But the proximity of Alex will bring out an unknown side of his personality and be born a strong attraction between him and his guard.
Early in the story Holden is really hateful: I hoped with all my heart that he were not  the main character. He's arrogant, presumptuous, insensitive, captivates young waiter, uses them and then leaves them with an illegitimate child to grow up with a small amount that his father offers to repair his woes. Then, as the story goes on, emerges his side sweet and sensitive and becomes almost Prince Charming. Alex is a strong and determined woman, fighting with the sword better than a man but never allows her female side to emerge. But near Holden she begins to let go. It 's nice to see how in the course of the plot, the two protagonists will help to change and mature.
It 's a historical novel passionate, romantic but also adventurous, the plot is compelling, the fast paced and engaging,  there are many chapters but they are short. The descriptions are well done and historical elements are credible.
I recommend it to anyone who loves historical novels



Alexandra invited the prince in, her eyes sliding shut.

His arms slipped around her, slow but firm, his palms gliding over her waist to rest on her back. His tongue touched hers tentatively, then stroked along her lower lip, sweet and slow.

She let him adjust her until he was comfortable, pulling her close, and after a moment she kissed him back. She would be quite churlish not to, really.

He tasted of smoke and the sweet masculine savor she remembered from before, but without the added taste of ale this time.   His hands caressed her back as their mouths touched, parted, and touched again. His breath blew warm on her cheek and his lips teased gently at her. He suckled first at her lower lip.

He was good. Much better than good. For a moment Alex might almost imagine she hadn't escaped the stable, and she was going up in flames. Except this fire was made of pure, aching sweetness, and her hands were curving behind Holden's head, pulling him closer. The angle was awkward, so she moved, raising herself, and put her leg over his other thigh, seating herself firmly across his lap. Her breasts pressed against his chest. She kissed him thoroughly, deep, unhurried, and warm.

The kiss slowly faded, leaving them breathless against one another's faces, noses touching and bodies pressed sweetly close. "Thank you for saving me," Alex said, her lips brushing his. "I'm sorry I hit you. I was confused and frightened."


AUTHOR Bio and Links:
For years, college professor Olivia Fields has been writing romantic tales to pacify her muse and entertain her friends. She believes in making her characters work for their happy endings.

When not at her keyboard, Olivia enjoys nature hikes, photography, and the constant companionship of several rather irregularly trimmed Shih Tzu dogs. Olivia’s first published novel, Her Heart’s Liege, will be released in March 2015 by Rogue Phoenix Press.

LINKS (sale):



Barnes and Noble

LINKS  (promotional)

Goodreads (book link)

Goodreads (author link)






Olivia will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

11 commenti:

  1. Wonderful review and I loved the excerpt.

    1. Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.

    2. Thanks for the comment! I hope you'll decide to give the book a look-see. Best of luck in the drawing! :-)

  2. Risposte
    1. Thanks, Rita! I hope you'll enjoy the whole book even more. :-)

  3. I enjoyed the excerpt and the review! Sounds like a great book, thanks for sharing it!

    1. I appreciate your comment, Eva. :-) Let me know if you have any questions about the book!
