
venerdì 1 maggio 2015

Review & Giveaway: Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul by Marcus Dino

Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul
by Marcus Dino



"Fulfill your destiny Fifi, as you wander through the Wilderness," Goth her spirit guide tells her....

Marcus Dino's latest book 'Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul', an anthology like it's smash hit predecessor, 'Diary of a Mad Gen Yer.' has 21st century actress/heroine Cheryl 'Fifi' Larouche coming back outrageous as ever introducing new 'Silly Stories,' 'Silly Poems,' and 'Silly Blogs', plus an added new twist using the world of Twitter, Fifi's 'Silly Tweets.'

'Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul' is third in a series of 'Fifi's stories following Marcus Dino's top ten Amazon Bestseller 'Diary of a Mad Gen Yer' in addition to his original Hollywood novel 'Fifi.'

Many of the major characters from Mr. Dino's two earlier book are back in 'Evolved Soul' including Fifi's boyfriend Biff, her obstinate father Charles, and her two alien friends from the planet Zatoris, Alocki and Helos. In addition there are some very interesting new characters in 'Evolved Soul' including a long dead Englishman who said he knew great literary figures such as Dickens and Keats called 'The 200 Year Old Great Writer,' and two entities who say they are 'Fifi's Spirit Guides' Goth and Au.

Both Goth and Au write very inspirational blogs that convey a strong message in the 'Blogs' section of 'Evolved Soul.'

'Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul' is both humorous and inspirational and like it's two predecessors will entertain the reader from beginning to end.


My Review:

I've had so much fun reading the adventures of the aspiring actress Fifi and of her circle of relatives and friends.
Fifi Larouche wants to become an actress and meanwhile try to support herself financially doing the waitress in a shop coffee. Unfortunately Jerry, her agent, is incompetent and even if she makes many auditions never able to have even a small part. But she doesn't give up. Despite continuing to meet strange agents with absurd proposals. Despite have to face the prejudices of her family that they would like her to return home with a good job as employed. She also has to fight with her kind of boyfriend Biff and with Au and Goth, her spirit guides.
All the characters are really funny and humorous. Fifi is a simple girl willing to fight to fulfill her dream but to fight honestly, without losing self-respect and her dignity. She wants to use only lawful and honest means to reach her fame.
It's well written and in an original way: during the novel the dreams of Fifi are alternated with her stories on the blog, her small theater experience, her interviews, her poems .... Everything is perfectly identified and allows a reading understandable and engaging.
It's the third book in a series of Fifi' Stories, I didn't have any difficulty in understanding without reading the previous but I can't wait to do it.
It 's a quick read, funny, hilarious but not trivial, it is an interesting journey into oneself.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.



Excerpt from 'A Midsummer Night's Silliness'


This is a night when strange demons and vampires arrive to doth try to steal the soul of the innocent…Tonight oh Neptune after the party we shall call the Royal Apothecary who will doth conduct a potient out of bat wings and garlic and the tongues of TV talk show hosts and politicians and other vile and smelly things…And whoever I praytell drinks of this potient will scare off all evil souls and who ever drinks of this potient will be strong as anyone who drinketh such foul and smelly stuff would have to be strong…and crazy…Now.. Come my good king and my subjects let us now go to the party at the palace to intake in wine and merriment….

(Image of Ghost from Hamlet appears)


What noblest of misfortunes that hath cursed my son Hamlet partakes thou fair Queen? I praytell that I shalt make amends for my son to be of assistance to thee…My son Hamlet at times hath not believed in me…I praytell thou noblest of Queens believe in me as I was once King Denmark…


I hath no misfortune oh Ghost of the King of Denmark…I praytell that thou may get into the minds of casting directors of good theater and good movies and good TV shows of which there are so few in 2012 and convince them of my acting abilities…Now Ghost of the King of Denmark a place where they doth are well known for changing men into women and women into men I doth praytell thou join us at the palace for an evening of wine, song, and merriment….


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Marcus Dino has always wanted to be a fiction writer as long as he can remember. Living in Southern California plus his being a die hard movie buff has led him to write stories dealing with the struggles and conquests of heroic up and coming Hollywood actress Cheryl 'Fifi' Larouche.
Practical Advice from an Evolved Soul is an anthology and inspirational book and is Mr. Dino's third 'Fifi' series book. His first book, Hollywood novel Fifi was first published in 2003. His second book in ebook format, Diary of a Mad Gen Yer, an anthology and Amazon best seller in it's category, was published in 2009.

Mr. Dino has a Masters degrees in Education and Engineering and is a graduate of Chapman University.   He has a distinguished career as an electronics engineer working for several Aerospace companies and also as a mathematics teacher in Los Angeles area schools.  He currently resides in Santa Maria, California

'Evolved Soul' can also be purchased on major on line bookstores such as 

The printed version of 'Evolved Soul' has just been published and is currently being placed into numerous bookstores.

Facebook and Twitter (over 7500 followers) username:Fifilarouche

Marcus will be awarding $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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