
martedì 28 aprile 2015

Review & Giveaway- Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion by Emily Craven

Madeline Cain: Adventures In Fashion
by Emily Craven



Madeline Cain knows that after six chaotic months, the rest of her time in New York City will be smooth sailing with Kevin -- her new squeeze -- by her side. That is, until Madeline's idols drop a bombshell - she needs to pick a specialisation before the year is out or risk losing the career of her dreams. The problem? She's about as sure of her photographic passion as a hiker is of outrunning a bear.

Thus Madeline begins her search for her one true path with student-arranged assignments featuring certifiably insane children, lip-synching rockers, a dog whisperer, and… zombies? But it’s not until Madeline secures a 'life-debt' by saving a potential mobster from a gun-wielding cross-dresser that she sets her sights on an amazing internship opportunity.

Is her new patron really part of the mob? Can she nail this internship when all her experiments are going to hell? And how does she deal with Kevin's obsession over her escapades?

Written as though you’re reading Madeline's Facebook page, Adventures in Fashion will leave you giggling on the floor as Maddie posts about the second half of her Big Apple adventure.


My Review:

I have chosen to read this book because I liked the cover, it is so much fun, and I was not disappointed. It 's a novel fresh, fun, be careful if you read this book in some public place, you could find to laugh out loud: there are scenes so hilarious that impossible to hold back laughter.
Madeline is an aspiring photographer, very bumbling and clumsy, is very often in situations really embarrassing: it doesn't happen to everyone to exchange, at an exclusive party, the president of the Board of Charity for a chair and sit on her. She has not yet decided in what type of photography to specialize but still has six months to decide. With internships, strange job offers and many tangles will try to figure it out. 
The author's style is original, young and sparkling, although at first it can be difficult to get familiar with this writing. It is written by joining the post on facebook between Madeline and her friends, for sure young people will have no problem to get in tune with this text, for those who have less familiar with this social, it will take some more pages but soon will be everything easier and exciting.
It's the second book in the series but you can read without the previous, at least I have not had any problems.
It 's a modern novel, young, fun which doesn't lack even a bit of romance and a mystery to solve.
I received this book in exchange for an honest review.



Enough was enough. The constant thought storm was getting me nowhere except nauseous.

So I asked myself: what would Mum do?

The answer?  A pros and cons list.


PRO: Sorella is awesome-sauce on wonder-bread. If you could crack her brain, gold would surely fall out. You’d be rich. In knowledge that is, not golden brains.

CON: Ted just told a room full of women who have nothing else to do with their time, about an opportunity that allows them to get high-end fashion for free. Competition is going to be like a cage fight with a chimera.

PRO: You’re not done with NYC, not even close. Leaving the city after a year is like licking the outside of a chocolate ice cream and never taking a bite. This job gets you a green card so you can go past licking and crack open that chocolate casing to suck on that sweet, sweet creamy centre.

CON: How are you going to build a portfolio of fashion snaps when your wardrobe consists of broken high heels and jackets worn by waiters at a pizza store? You’ve got five planned gigs, but can’t guarantee all your subjects aren’t going to be colour blind, let alone wearing underwear. To turn this to a PRO, you need clothes that make people look good, rather than look like an 80’s boy band.

PRO: Your boyfriend is hot, he’s not camera shy, and is one model that will get a kick out of you fussing over him for hours. Perfect for underwear modelling. Use this gift wisely.

CON: Not really committed to fashion. Doesn’t mean it won’t become an obsession that sees me horde hundreds of Jimmy Choos, but just that I was never that girl who cut out outfits from my Mum’s magazines and made them for my Barbies. I had mud pies that needed making and smooshing in my brother’s face. To turn this into a PRO I need to learn how to make people look cool. You can learn fashion from watching America’s Next Top Model right?

CON: Having to listen to Tara Banks on America’s Next Top Model.
PRO: Clothes. Lots of them.

CON: Models. Lots of them. Could end up in a situation where I give into the urge to bludgeon them with a camera.

PRO: You would have a real photography job, one that supported a healthy diet and regular bowel movements. One that makes use of everything you’ve learnt this year, making you an expert, a player, a person of interest but for the right reasons, not because you were followed by a man with a fake moustache. It would give you some direction, a clear path, a strong mentor, a specialisation rather than playing ‘hobbies’ like you use to play ‘dress ups’.

CON: You could stuff it all up.


AUTHOR Bio and Links:

Emily Craven was first inspired to placed pen to paper when she was 13, after she learnt her favourite author, Isobelle Carmody, began her first novel at 14. Emily finished three books while completing a Bachelor of Science (Space Science and Astrophysics and Geophysics) at the University of Adelaide. So technically, she can claim to be an astrophysicist (stars), geophysicist (rocks) and writer (crazy). She writes YA fiction, fantasy and non-fiction and teaches teenagers storytelling.

Twitter: @TheMadelineCain

Buy Links:

Madeline Cain will be awarding a set of red umbrella earrings (this is an international giveaway) and a $30 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour

a Rafflecopter giveaway

9 commenti:

  1. Thanks so much for having me on the tour! It’s super appreciated :) And thanks for the considered review, I've never had my work described as sparkling before (I love it!)

    I forgot to mention that I’m happy to give anyone who purchases a copy of ‘Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion’ before the end of the tour on the 28th April a free copy of the first book in the series ‘The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain’. Just email me the reciept of your purchase to: emily (at) madelinecain (dot) com.

    I’m here if you had any questions about writing, books, chicklit, the meaning of life… I’m not fussy ;)

  2. I love how she is fun and so indecisive but she is yet strong through it all - shaunie

    1. I'm so glad that came through :) I wanted to write the book I love to read, one with a strong woman who doesn't know it all but can get things done without the need for a relationship to feel fulfilled.

  3. Thanks for the excerpt. Congratulations to Madeline on the new release.

    1. Thanks :) Madeline is my favourite character I've written so it's exciting to release another chapter in her story!

  4. The Book sounds amazing. The excerpt was awesome. I loved how everything was written
