
domenica 15 marzo 2015

Review: Criminal Confections by Colette London

Criminal Confections
by Colette London
Series: A Chocolate Whisperer Mystery #1
Published by Kensington on January 27, 2015
Genres: Cozy Mystery

Pages: 352
Format: eBook 
Source: Net Galley 

Summary From Goodreads
Hayden Mundy Moore is an expert on everything chocolate, helping clients develop new products and revamp recipes until they're irresistible. But sometimes, a dash of murder finds its way into the mix. . . Hayden Mundy Moore has bushwhacked through African jungles and haggled in exotic markets to find the finest cacao beans and the most flavorful blends. It's thrilling work but rarely dangerous--until a colleague turns up dead at the exclusive chocolate-themed Lemaître resort spa in San Francisco. Adrienne Dowling's heart attack is blamed on an accidental overdose of the secret ingredient used in Lemaître Chocolates' new line. Hayden can't believe that conscientious Adrienne would make that mistake. And between chocolate body scrubs, cocoa mud baths, and a non-stop frenzy of chocolate-based treats, Hayden starts to suspect that she, not Adrienne, was the intended target. Finding a killer among the rival chocolatiers and potential suspects won't just be satisfying--it might save her life. . .  

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My Review
For those who love chocolate this book is a must read. From the first pages we are delighted by the chocolate in all its forms  to make one's mouth water. Unmissable then the recipes at the end.
Hayden Mundy Moore is a chocolate whisperer, works for the best chocolatiers and helps them to increase their business. Her work is almost always secret: no one wants to admit that they need help. And it is also very "hard" : must taste of new products, advise what would be the best recipe, what ingredients to add and remove them. She is now working for Christian Lemaitre, nephew of Bernard, a man truly fascinating (and married), his family founded one of the most famous companies of chocolate. Unfortunately the nephew is a real pain in the neck that has nothing of the uncle's class. She was invited to their resort in San Francisco to attend a chocolate festival and must necessarily go even if she hates these events. Luckily here meets her friend Adrienne, big chocolatier that is launching a new line. But shortly after Adrienne is found dead, seems poisoned by a mysterious ingredient contained in an energy drink of her own invention. Hayden does not believe that it is an accidental death and begins to investigate. At her side is Danny, a friend ex-convict who should protect her.
Hayden is  thirty years old, funny, determined, brave and adventurous. She is always around the world for her work. She had an inheritance from her uncle and can live with that quiet but there is a clause that forces her to travel, can stay up to three months. She loves to hear on the phone the voice of Travis, a financial advisor that manages the legacy of her uncle. He's a fascinating and mysterious man, throughout the book is just a sexy voice on the phone but can give peace of mind and confidence to Hayden.
It 's a compelling novel, with twists and gossip: the company Lemaitre is full of secrets, intrigue, conspiracies.
I can't wait  to read a new adventure of Hayden: I see the cover, is really to eat
I recommend it to those who love the cozy mystery with reference to food.
I received a free ebook version of this from the publisher, Kensington Books, via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

Colette London is the pseudonym of a best-selling novelist who's published more than three dozen books worldwide. Her Chocolate Whisperer mystery series featuring globe-trotting chocolatier (and amateur sleuth!) Hayden Mundy Moore begins with Criminal Confections in February 2015. 

Visit Colette on the web at, friend her on Facebook at, or follow her on Twitter @Colette__London today.

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