
domenica 25 gennaio 2015

Review: Christmas at Thorncliff Towers by Marina Myles

Christmas at Thorncliff Towers 
Series: The Cursed Princes #3.5 
by Marina Myles 
Published by Kensington Publishing on November 28, 2014 
Genres: FantasyHistorical Romance 
Format: eBook 
Source: Net Galley 

Thorncliff Towers is done up for Christmas, secure against wind and wolves. But Karina Petri is shut out, too, and the gypsy witch wants what’s inside. She envies the gifts, the feast, the pretty clothes, of course. But her true desire is for the love of Constantin Stoica. Her smolderingly handsome childhood friend agreed to serve Lord Draven after his brother was caught stealing last year. He suspects Karina was involved—and it would take more magic than she possesses to make him forgive…
Constantin has always been drawn to Karina’s dark curls, flashing eyes, and reckless ways. But trusting her has proven dangerous before, and this night holds more to fear than most. The wrong decisions could cost him his job, his safety—even his life. But letting Karina go could cost him his heart…

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My Review

It 's a quick read but fascinating, well written with a fluent pace. It is part of the series "The Cursed Prince" that are paranormal retelling of fairy tales: this is a twist on Hansel and Gretel.
It 's set in 1820 in Romania. Karina is a friend of Constantin and has always been in love with him. Only that gypsy is an endless source of trouble. In one of these involves in a theft Constantin's brother Viktor. Unfortunately, the boy is discovered by the lord of Thorncliff Towers that compels him to make his servant for the rest of life. Constantin is offered in place of his brother and the Lord accepts. Gypsies go away and leave him there. On Christmas Eve the company back and Karina tries to free and conquer Constantin. Will she succeed?
Karina is really unbearable at the beginning of the story then knowing becomes more sympathetic. It 's a girl unscrupulous, willing to do anything, even to also use magic potions, to win her love. Constantin is a hero, a strong, brave and seriously boy, is attracted by his friend but does not want to give in because she always brings only problems.

It reads in a short time, is only 60 pages but it's still an enjoyable read
I received a copy of this from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.


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